Welcome! to The Billy Lee Pontificator,
or as the ancient Egyptians might have phrased it;
EE EE OOH EE ER ANEE EE (welcome to my writing tablet!)

I have no idea what I’m doing, but I hope my blog-site can be a place where family and friends will visit to pontificate freely about whatever is on our minds.
My vision is one where contemplation, reflection, and carefully crafted logic will live side by side with wild ideas and misspelled verbal excesses.
I hope my posts will get the brain juices flowing and inspire folks to add comments to befuddle, enrage and confuse anyone who reads them.
And while we’re on the subject, if some reader writes an article and wants to post it somewhere, please consider e-mailing it to me to post here, on my blog. What I’m saying is, people have an outlet to post more than 142 words if they need it — where they won’t be crowding out pictures of babies and birthday parties.
If you have something short and sweet, but longer than a tweet, consider posting it in the Speedos section. I’ll add a graphic to spice it up if you want. Or mosey on over to the Message Board and make an appeal or announcement to our readers.
Visit often. Please post long-winded comments on anything you find here. My writing tablet has a readership of two people and has the potential to grow beyond that. Make your voice heard. Pontificate!
Billy Lee (Jan. 17, 2014)
I enjoy your blog very much!
Your favorite cousin,