Images & Pics Policy

It is the policy of to place in articles and pages only those images and pictures which belong to Billy Lee or are in the public domain. 

When Billy Lee started his blog on January 17, 2014, he used the blog as a kind of personal scrapbook. For most of the first year he illustrated his articles with images he downloaded during Google Internet searches. Since Google didn’t identify which images were proprietary and which were public, it is possible some images on this web-site may belong to individuals who might not want them used by Billy Lee.

image and picture policy graphic
The Editorial Board is asking any individual who finds a proprietary image on this blog-site to contact us through the Reader’s Comments section at the end of the article where the image appears, so that we may identify and remove it. Comments referring to an image will be read by Billy Lee but not published. is a non-commercial blog-site administered by a single retired individual (Billy Lee) for the entertainment of his adult children and a few Facebook friends. It has one active staff-member: Billy Lee.  

The blog has a tiny readership and collects no monetary fees or any other kind of remuneration. It accepts no advertising. It does not itself advertise or recruit readers or offer subscriptions. New articles are announced on Billy Lee’s FaceBook and Twitter pages as a convenience to family members and close friends.


The Billy Lee Pontificator Editorial Board
(an imaginary organization which exists only in the mind of Billy Lee)

Post Script:  The Editorial Board asks that images used on this web-site which picture identifiable human beings not be copied or used by others in any way without Billy Lee’s written permission. As of February 1, 2015 we are still not sure if every image on our site conforms to our images policy. We continue to work to identify proprietary images and remove them. In any case, no image appearing on is to be copied or used by others in any commercial context whatsoever. 

Random Reads:


Sometimes a fully dressed article is too much, but a naked tweet isn't enough. I've come up with an alternative the Editorial Board calls, SPEEDOS. Speedos are short pontifications. Like their namesake, the scanty swimsuit, they should be brief and colorful. And, like the Speedos worn on beaches, they can sometimes seem out of place and inappropriate. If anyone has a "speedo" they feel like sharing, transcribe it in the Comment Box and, if it meets the high standards of the Pontificator, we will publish it. Newest speedos will be displayed first, so they are easy to find. Check back from time to time for the latest shorts and briefs---posted here---on Speedos. Billy Lee Why Does Hi-IQ Intelligence Exist Only in the Species Human? May 6, 2019  EDITORS NOTE:  A follower posed the question on  Billy Lee -- enamored by love for his illegitimate son -- asked Billy Lee Junior to take a stab at the answer and place it on the SPEEDOS page -- over strenuous objections by...


TIME TO DIE I sinned against the man I loved who died. I thought I'd have more time to sigh; Delay the time when silence became the lie. Time passed us by---an ally to our crime That lives inside when all loves die to make us cry and cry and cry. Who knows why? Love makes time for us to die. I've failed at everything in life. What I learned is that it is possible to fail at everything and still find some happiness from time to time. I blame many failures on my own incompetence and bad choices. But also, people hate me. It doesn't matter how much a person knows or how capable they are; unpopular people don't do well. People have pulled the rug out from under me many times; I never seem to be alert enough to anticipate what bad thing is coming next and how to avoid it. I've never been able to tell who my friends are, or who those folks are whose kindness is a mask they wear to disarm and humiliate me. At age twelve, I found myself one weekend-day carefully sweeping out the...

The Billy Lee SEO Policy

It is the policy of the Billy Lee Pontificator to not pay SEO fees (bribes?) for the "privilege" to appear in the search results of a web-service like Google. For anyone unfamiliar with the term, SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization.  SEO is deployed, it seems to me, like hacker ransom-ware to try to force blog-site administrators to pay fees. Unless they pay fees, administrators can sometimes experience a drop in viewer hits on their sites. For sites like the Pontificator, these fee demands are a good thing. By ignoring them, the Billy Lee Pontificator takes advantage of the machinations of search-engine companies like Traffic Power -- now banned by Google -- to make it unnecessary to password-protect our content. Anyone who knows us and our site location still has the unencumbered access demanded by our readers. But pervasive SEO subscriptions by other blog-sites overwhelm malicious web-surfers who might visit our site by chance. We don't have to password-protect...

Vacation Policy

VACATION POLICY Until further notice, our entire staff of dedicated employees, sycophants, and apple-polishers will take their annual vacations during the month of June and the first half of July. This policy includes the Editorial Board.  Vacations will be unpaid. For the benefit of those in our organization who are hard of hearing, let me repeat. VACATIONS ARE UNPAID !!! It should be apparent to all but the most disgruntled that the unpaid nature of these vacations is more than compensated for by the generosity of their duration. Billy Lee Notice to readers: During the Pontificator Staff vacation period, folks may continue to visit our site and post comments. Please allow up to six weeks for comment approval.

Message Board

This space is for messages, announcements and appeals.  It's for everyone. Scroll to the end of the messages to put your message in the comments box at the bottom of this page. After approval, your message will appear first in the list. Reminder: messages are reviewed before they are posted to make sure they are from real people, not bots. If you are a real person, it is the official policy of the Billy Lee Pontificator to post your message or comment.  Editorial Board                          


Welcome! to The Billy Lee Pontificator, or as the ancient Egyptians might have phrased it; EE EE OOH EE ER ANEE EE (welcome to my writing tablet!) I have no idea what I'm doing, but I hope my blog-site can be a place where family and friends will visit to pontificate freely about whatever is on our minds. My vision is one where contemplation, reflection, and carefully crafted logic will live side by side with wild ideas and misspelled verbal excesses. I hope my posts will get the brain juices flowing and inspire folks to add comments to befuddle, enrage and confuse anyone who reads them. And while we're on the subject, if some reader writes an article and wants to post it somewhere, please consider e-mailing it to me to post here, on my blog. What I'm saying is, people have an outlet to post more than 142 words if they need it -- where they won't be crowding out pictures of babies and birthday parties. If you have something short and sweet, but longer than a tweet,...

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