How long will you judge unfairly and ignore the ways of the powerful? Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; free them from the grasp of the wicked. The wealthy understand nothing. They walk around in the dark and shake the earth.  I said that you are gods; every one of you are sons of the MOST HIGH. But you will die like ordinary people; you will fall like all the other rulers.
Psalm 82

Folks who follow me on Quora know that I consider the coronavirus disease of 2019 an existential threat to all life on Earth. Unless and until evidence for immunity emerges, the threat to humans borders on an apocalypse of biblical proportions. 

I suppose that soon after this essay is published a miraculous cure — a vaccine maybe — will pop out of the woodwork and everyone will be saved. When the miracle happens, I will look like the biggest fool in the blogosphere, right?

For anyone who has read the Bible story, they will know what it means to feel a little like Jonah who was swallowed by a really big fish after he tried to sail away from God in a boat. God ordered him to warn a city of bad people that their town was on the chopping block if they didn’t change their ways and worship the LORD. 

Jonah figured the journey to Nineveh was pointless. The people would kill him for nothing, because nothing was going to change. He’d be dead before he got off the beach. Besides, he hated the people of Nineveh. Let God kill them all. The world would be a better place. 

After the really big fish puked out Jonah, the man decided that dying was better than being swallowed so he did his duty. He went.

In the last scene of the story Jonah is angry because his half-digested appearance seems to have scared everyone in the city; people changed! The city purged itself of idols and worshipped GOD.

Okay… What’s the point?

The MOST HIGH has a different view apparently about the nature of people than do their leaders — even when their leaders claim to serve the LORD and do His will. God half-killed Jonah to save a city of people who on a good day wouldn’t give Him even a moment of their precious time.


Well, one has to read the Bible to learn the answer, but who has the time? It’s a big book with a lot of pages.

Not interested.


Anyway, this essay is a kind of diary of the things I’ve written about Covid-19 on both Facebook and Quora.

My Facebook page is private — family and a few friends only. Readers will never find it.  For this essay, the public gets to peek into a small part of it. Comments, time stamps, and self-identifying information are deleted.

Quora is public. Between the two spaces, tens-of-thousands have read my rants. I don’t know, it might be a lot more. It might be hundreds-of-thousands. Millions maybe? It’s a lot of people to play the fool before, so for my sake let’s hope it’s closer to a few dozen.  

This essay is for those who want to learn more about the 2019 corona-style virus and the threat it poses to all life in the absence of any evidence of acquired immunity or the introduction of safe and effective vaccines. The essay will start with the first words I published about the subject and end with the last. Facebook rants are identified by “FB” and the date in bold text.

In the initial release of this essay, only Facebook content will be included. Over the next few months, content first published on Quora might be folded into places where it will possibly aid understanding about the nature of a pandemic that I for one believe threatens all life.  

So, check back from time to time to learn more, or go to Quora and review my content. 

The more that is learned about this virus the more pernicious it seems to  become. At first, folks thought Covid-19 killed and damaged the old, the diseased, and the confined. It sickened meat workers and prisoners. It freed up beds in nursing homes. 

Now folks are learning that it takes their children, grandchildren, even their babies. In the absence of immunity, it strikes again and again like an angry bee until its venom induces cytokine storms and PIMS (Pediatric Inflammatory Multi-Symptom Syndrome).

Some call it MIS-C for Multi-symptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children. 

What terrible syndromes will we learn about next? The disease is little more than 12 weeks old in the USA. Experts know almost nothing about it. Yet everyone and their brother is selling the government the promise of a cure. 

In the absence of miracles, the heart of every survivor is going to break under the boot of this disease.

God help us all. 


EDITORS NOTE:  60 days ago on March 11, 2020 Americans dead from Covid-19 numbered 38. Total diagnosed cases stood at 1,267. Today (10 May 2020) the number of dead is 80,040. Diagnosed cases number 1,347,318.  It is one-third of the world’s victims. 

FB March 11, 2020
Everyone who wants to live, watch this… Corona virus.

FB March 12
Disneyland is closed!

FB March 12
I alone can fix it.

FB March 12
Sanjay Gupta told Chris Cuomo that 2 patients have contracted Covid-19 twice. It means that getting the virus might not confer immunity. If true, this nightmare won’t end until we have a vaccine.

FB March 13
Last week the president called CNN reporter Abby Phillip stupid; today he called award winning PBS journalist Yamiche Alcindor nasty…

Abby Phillip

Yamiche Alcindor

Trump can’t leave office soon enough. He’s a lunatic and a racist monster — plus he lies about everything.

Who wants to be lied to?

Not me.

He blames everything on Obama. I’m getting sick of this guy, and it’s not because he’s a pig. As it happens, I’m fond of pigs — especially little ones.

I listened to the former director of the pandemics group (set up under national security by Obama) say that DT disbanded the group in 2018 and reassigned its members. The former head said that deleting it was the reason this administration is two months late on testing.

Trump claimed he never heard of the group when Alcindor asked him; he said it was a nasty question. The director of the group contradicted him later on national television.

Who is the liar? I think it’s obvious to anyone who has any sense at all.

FB March 13
Experts are saying that early reports are showing that 40% of those who recover from Covid-19 have permanent lung damage.

FB March 13
Two weeks ago, the president said the coronavirus cases would go to zero; that the disease would end by itself; it would be like a miracle.

Today he calls a National Emergency that gives him the powers of a dictator.

In the meantime, he is shaking everyone’s hands and slapping himself on the back. His daughter is under quarantine and he has been knowingly exposed to the virus at Mara Lago.

He says he hasn’t been tested. I’d bet my house he’s lying.

FB March 13
As of 9PM tonight 7% of the Corona Virus victims worldwide who are over the disease have died from it.

FB March 14
I saw some encouraging graphical evidence tonight that shows that in China and South Korea the duration of the bell curve that tracks the daily rise and fall of infections was about 3 months.

The conclusion is that aggressive surveillance and quarantine can put out the initial fire; afterwards looking for hotspots and dousing them can keep disease rates down and enable folks to get back to normal living.

In the meantime, a Chinese billionaire has hired Dr. Ho—who developed the protocols to save HIV patients—to direct 4 different teams to conquer the Corona virus.

Dr. Ho said on Rachel Maddow that they already know a lot about the virus; he is hoping to have some testable therapies in 2 to 4 months. If so, they can get whatever drugs or vaccines they come up with to the general public sometime after.

What everyone has to do is trim their fingernails, wash their hands frequently, and don’t mingle too much until about this time next year when, with any luck at all, everyone will be safe again.

Right now, the strategy is to flatten the bell curve to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. Northern Italy got overwhelmed, true, but we can avoid that because most Americans, many of them, don’t live on top of each other in extended family groups.

Most of the debilitated elderly live in nursing homes. They are in the gravest predicament so we have to do what we can to help them avoid the suffering that comes from getting a flu for which they have no defenses.

FB March 14
I grocery shopped today.

I’m stunned by what I saw and what a clerk told me.

She said I had to return some liquid soap, Tylenol, and Mucinex because they were on a list of two dozen items being rationed; you are permitted to buy three items on the list, she said. 

The store looked like American propaganda photos of Soviet grocery stores from the 1950s.

The pharmacy couldn’t fill some of Bevy Mae’s prescriptions.

The store is going to be closing at 5PM from now on. It shares its database with ********, so apparently, I can’t go there to get what we want either.

FB March 14
Just when I thought nothing about this virus could any longer scare me, **** sent these pics from a book published in 1981 — almost 40 years ago:

EDITOR’S NOTE: Facebook fact checkers eventually judged the pics above to be fake.
Who believes it?

FB March 15

FB March 15
Quora, as far as I can tell, is deleting and collapsing any content that is critical of the president and his handling of the Corona virus. Opposition to Trump is being squelched by somebody. I don’t know who or why.

This is the kind of stuff that Putin did in Russia to solidify his lifetime grip on power.

Seeing empty shelves and blaming it on Obama is not a response that will save the country. I am asking every confederate hillbilly in America to rethink what they believe is right and true and make some changes.

Donald Trump is not your friend.

If the president lets us vote this fall, do your children a favor and vote him out. Pray his allies don’t flip your ballots.

FB March 15
For me Russell Brand is a genius with an interesting point of view.

FB March 15
Quora accepted my appeals about suppressed content on Quora concerning Trump’s handling of the virus situation. In the meantime, I lost a few thousand views; that part is demoralizing. Despite their process to suppress and ask questions later, I’ve won every appeal so far. My metrics are improving lately despite efforts by bots ands trolls to undermine my content.

FB March 15
8% of those who are over the Corona virus are dead. Two days ago it was 7%. The day this number starts dropping will be a better day.

FB March 15
As everyone knows who has been paying attention, the president has been rescinding Obama era protections to our financial system. He has gutted many government agencies.

Some shocks are going to occur in the coming weeks that may unsettle some people. We need to prepare ourselves to be shocked, so that we don’t come undone emotionally and start making mistakes that come from hysteria.

Starting Monday, we are going to see stock market exchanges close, some for extended periods. In the next few weeks, certain banks will either close or change their policies on withdrawals and bill paying services.

If the money that the president is pouring into weak companies proves ineffective, massive layoffs are inevitable. Worker hours are already being drastically cut. Store hours have already been reduced in many places.

If the United States goes into default, the financial system will have to be rebuilt. This is what happened in Communist Russia. Basically, intelligence services took control and the country turned to an oligarchy system that has persisted to the present time.

People are buying everything off store shelves right now because they don’t believe their money will be any good in coming days. If the money is no good, people can’t buy anything, even if they have millions tucked under a mattress somewhere.

When North Vietnam marched into Saigon, they changed the monetary system 3 times during the first year to wipe out any wealth accumulated by anyone who might oppose them.

The USA is already an oligarchy system, so at least that much won’t change. However, the people who seize political power during this emergency will be unable to be removed.

How to behave when freedom is lost? Keep your head down and don’t make waves. We lost our chance at freedom in 2016. What’s happening today is a natural result that any idiot could have predicted. In fact, many did.

A best-selling book was published a few years ago called “Everything Trump Touches Dies.” This book wasn’t a joke, because the country was already dead. The people who live in America haven’t understood yet what a dead country looks like.

Many people will remain optimistic during this unpleasant transition up to the very moment they lose everything. Others will acquire wealth and power beyond anything they thought possible before the world changed.

The chances that anyone in your circle of friends will know any of these lucky people are slim to none.

Pray that I’m wrong.

FB March 17
The latest count shows that the death rate for everyone who is over the disease is 9%. This is a 12% increase over the last few days when it was hovering around 8%.

FB March 18
As of the moment of this post, the death rate for people who are over the Corona virus stands at 9.5%—up from 9% yesterday.  8919 dead; 84,348 recovered.

Worse, recovered doesn’t mean symptom free. Don’t make me explain it.

FB March 18
The administration is putting into place a giveaway of 1,500 billion dollars to the 0.1 %; nothing to the 5%; and 1.5 billion to the 95%.

The wealthy hope that the $1,000 they pass out to every peasant will prevent a breakdown until they can escape to safe havens with their caravans of looted wealth.

We are watching Trump destroy America in real time to benefit his allies.

Everything he does is to soften up the United State for a follow-on military attack by an alliance that hopes to bury us.

Pray that I’m wrong.

FB March 18
Fill in the blanks:

We as a family can get through this crisis as long as we don’t lose our_________. I can get through this crisis as long as I don’t lose ________.

What did you write down? Take a look, because that’s what you are going to lose.

Everyone. Prepare to lose everything—including your country and even your faith in an Almighty God if that were possible.

God is just. This fact alone should scare every American. We are going to experience the same mercy we showed to others who challenged us.

FB March 19
The New York Times is reporting that a 7 member family in New Jersey is now a family of 4 thanks to Covid-19. They didn’t tell the mother that two of her children died before she did.

FB March 19
The world-wide death rate for people who are over Corona virus has risen to 10.3%. Yesterday, it was 9.5%. So, we’re moving in the wrong direction. This increase will continue for a while so hang on.

Worldometer worldwide stats 19 March 2020

FB March 20
During the past 13 hours the Corona Virus death rate for people who are over the virus remains steady. If it stays steady or goes down over the next 11 hours, it will be good news — 24 hours at no change could perhaps be an indicator of a turning point in our favor. Will let people know tonight when I do the next calculation.

If this virus was human-made in a bio-warfare lab of some kind, it might have a genetic timer that causes the virus to die after so many generations. It could explain why the president said the virus would go away quickly in what would seem to many to be a miraculous event.

China is not reporting new cases right now. Maybe the president gave up another national security secret in the kind of slip-up he makes from time to time.

We will know soon if this idea has merit or is simply wishful hoping.

One reason this “theory of the case” might have merit is due to its description in the 1991 best seller by Koontz. Koontz must have had a factual basis of some kind to be able to write a passage that describes perfectly the timing and details of an event that was to occur almost forty years after he wrote it.

Another reason is that a paper was published yesterday in Nature that says the virus could not be human made. The study is suspicious because it came to a decisive conclusion fast; it has the smell, at least to me, of convenient disinformation.

The simplest explanation is that this virus rose from a natural process and is going to give us fits until we get a treatment and a vaccine. Time will eventually tell us which explanations and theories are right and which are wrong.

Whatever the cause, the process of dealing with this virus is turning into a real bummer, isn’t it? The country is united by fear for the first time since 911.

Anyway, the stock market promises to go up today, and we will be hearing good news about all sorts of cures that are on the horizon.

Who knows what the truth is?

The truth is “out there” — somewhere. We’ll know soon enough.

FB March 20
Bad news. The Corona death rate for people who are now over the virus has risen from 10.3% yesterday to 11.1% today. This trend is ominous.

FB March 21
More bad news. The death rate for all people who are officially over the virus has grown to 12%. It was 11.1% yesterday. When I started tracking a week ago it was 7%. New cases worldwide doubled during that 7 day period.

When my number starts going down we will know that the disease has peaked and that we have started down the road to normalcy. Right now we can’t say that.

The death rate (as I’ve constructed it) is a leading “trend indicator”, not the death rate itself, which is lower, hopefully. More people are getting sick than are recovering, which adds more quickly to the pool of potential victims.

When we get a handle on this disease, my ratio (because of how it’s constructed) will be the first to go down. That’s why it’s a useful number. It will tell us first that the situation is improving. So far, we haven’t seen that signal in the data.

Also this ratio is based on world statistics. USA stats are too new to tell us anything useful about mortality trends here. In a month or so that situation will change. In the northern hemisphere the Corona virus should die under the UV light of summer.

Maybe we’ll get lucky.

By end of summer, maybe we will have some effective treatments.

FB March 22
Like all Randy Rainbow videos, his most recent contains a few bad words, the worst being the f-bomb toward the end. If the f word offends you, don’t watch the video. I believe the new video may have some value for some people so I posted it.

FB March 22
The death rate for all people who have recovered from the Corona virus now stands at 13%. It was 11% on Friday.

FB March 22

My latest blogpost.

FB March 22
I posted this tweet on Twitter. Please don’t repost.

FB March 23
This story by Reuters shows that electing monsters who work for the other side has consequences. It’s akin, sometimes, to mass murder.

REUTERS/Thomas Peter – RC2JRE950YUT/File Photo cropped.  Click this link to article. 

FB March 23
As of this moment the percentage of people who are over the virus and are dead is 13.9%. This rate is not the death rate, because no one can know what that rate will end up to be, but we can say that when this rate starts to fall it will mark the beginning of the end of this pandemic. It is a turning point that will show first in this ratio I’m tracking.

FB March 24
The percentage of people who have fully recovered from the Corona virus and died from it now stands at 14.6%. It was 13.9% yesterday. The doo-doo is getting deeper, but more slowly perhaps. We’ll have to see what happens in the next few days.

FB March 25
The worldwide percentage of people who are over the Coronavirus by dying from it has risen to 15.4%. It was 14.6% yesterday.

FB March 26
The worldwide percentage of people who have recovered by dying is now 16.1%.

The number of recovered inside the USA is minuscule at this stage of the pandemic, so stats related to USA continue to be meaningless. When or if the number of recovered reaches a high number, I’ll start tracking USA stats.

FB March 27
The percentage of people who are over the virus due to dying is now 16.9%. It was 16.1% yesterday. When these increases become decreases, then we will know that we have turned the corner.

FB March 28
The percentage of people who have recovered by dying now stands at 17.7%, which is an increase over yesterday.

FB March 29
The death rate of people who are over the Corona Virus rose to 18.3% today.

FB March 30
I learned important things from this video I didn’t know. Please watch. We are going to be living and dying with this new virus for years to come. A vaccine for the general public could be 10 years away.

It is very important to wear a surgical mask and glasses when in public and to maintain strict social distancing. Wash hands frequently.

Don’t bring anything inside your house unless you can place it in a safe room for at least a couple of days to give the virus time to degrade. The death rate for people in their 70s is about 1 in 14.

Young people can spread this disease and kill a lot of people without ever knowing it. Because of the shortage of masks, the public is being told to stay inside their homes. Walking into any enclosed public space where people are not wearing masks is like playing Russian Roulette.

In Korea, everyone wears masks in public. For some reason, our leaders didn’t think we would ever need them. Now we need several hundred million, and we need them yesterday.

FB March 30
Important things to do to stay safe:

1- Wear a face mask and glasses in public
2 – Wash face and hands after going outside.
3 – Don’t let anyone into your house who doesn’t live in it.
4 – Isolate anything brought into your home for three days before handling.
5 – Don’t believe anything the president says, especially the things he says that seem like they might be true.

FB March 30
People who are young don’t remember the Vietnam War coverage by media.

Not a day went by for many years that the news didn’t report that we were winning the war for the South Vietnamese. We even signed a peace treaty and declared victory.

Trump’s stupid attempt to take credit for winning an unwinnable war is not new. Worse, he knows it will work. People will elect him again like they did Nixon.

History is a broken record that keeps skipping. Most young people won’t understand the analogy, but I’m using it anyway.

This time the stakes are higher. The country will have to be reorganized after our institutions collapse. It would be nice if progressives could help with the reorganizing, but the oligarchs who are going to do the work are already in place waiting for the right moment.

FB March 30
It seems I goofed when I read the latest stats on the Corona virus. Somehow, the site is functioning normally at this time.

The stat for today is 18.6%. Yesterday is was 18.3%. This increase is the smallest since I started reporting it on March 13 when it was 7%.

FB March 31
Looking at stats from only the USA, 36.6% of those who are over the virus are dead. Today is my first day tracking the USA because we haven’t had enough cases to make a meaningful statistic until now.

It’s important to understand that the percentage isn’t important, but the trend up or down is very important. Starting tomorrow I will be providing daily stats so folks can track the trend with me. What we want to see is this number track down to 20% to match the world-line and then drop like a stone over the summer months.

If that doesn’t happen our country will get messed-up.

We might want to consider asking Cuba to send doctors and nurses to New York City, Detroit, Los Angeles, and New Orleans to give our exhausted first responders some relief. Cubans have the best equipment and the most experience when it comes to helping other countries with medical catastrophes. Medical help is what they do.

We could use the help right now according to reports I’m seeing on-line and on television by people on the front lines.

FB April 1
I watched again part of the president’s news conference from Tuesday. I felt deeply sorry for him. It’s been obvious to me for a long time that he desperately wants to be both liked and loved.

But then I thought: that was me for most of my life. The president has ruined almost everything he’s ever touched including himself.

After he’s gone from office, he will need people to nurture him to health. A man who loses his power can sometimes find himself abandoned.

It’s easier for most folks to love people who say they are sorry and truly mean it. Does anyone know if he’s capable of apologies? He seemed to understand at least for today that he is managing a crisis that he can’t put right without divine intervention.

I would like to think that maybe the president is praying for a miracle.

Who knows?

I hope for his sake and ours that the miracle is forthcoming. He has a friend who is in a coma right now from this virus. Trump must be feeling something akin to empathy even if he isn’t necessarily built for it.

NOTE FROM THE EDITORIAL BOARD:  Trump friend and real estate developer Stanley Chera died April 11 in Manhattan after a month long battle with Coronavirus. 

FB April 1
Today in the USA, 34.8% of all who have had the disease (but no longer do) are dead. This is down from yesterday. We should expect the rate to drop to 20% as more people recover and our stats fall in line with world stats.

80% of those who go on respirators die.

Wear face masks when shopping and don’t let visitors walk inside your house.

FB April 1
The world-wide death rate for people who once had the virus but no longer do is now 19.4%. 2 days ago it was 18.3%. The trend line continues to indicate that the virus is not yet contained.

FB April 2

I heard Dr. Robert Gallo of HIV fame say on Brian William’s 11th Hour that a CDC virologist has come up with a non-specific vaccine that might be a game changer on this Corona virus.

If he turns out to be right, press-releases will start to happen within a few weeks, possibly.

Dr. Robert Gallo, MD, virologist.

FB April 2

Worldwide closed cases: 20.0% dead; 80.0% fully recovered.
USA closed cases: 35.9% dead; 64.1% fully recovered.

FB April 3

Worldwide: 20.5% of recovered are dead.
USA: 36.8% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 479 deaths; no info on live recoveries.

These stats are up from yesterday, so the situation remains out of control.

FB April 4
Over 2/3 of the cases of USA Covid are in 8 states: New York, New Jersey, Michigan, California, Louisiana, Florida, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.

Only Spain and Italy have more deaths than the USA. The percentage of people who die is running 10 to 20 times higher than initial estimates by the Trump administration.

The bad news is that for most of America, the disease is just getting started.

The good news is that summer is coming. With some viruses in the past, time of season plays a role in dampening the spread.

The bad news is that we have no evidence about seasonal variation with this virus.

In the absence of data the best course is to:

1 – Stay home to stay alive.
2 – Stay home to avoid harming other people.
3 – People who must go out should wear face-covering to block themselves from spreading droplets filled with virus to others.

Masks offer the wearer almost no protection from contamination by others. Viruses are unbelievably small. The openings in masks are like little open windows to flies.

A bucket of water with dead flies cannot squeeze through little windows. The flies themselves have no problem.

Exhaled droplets containing virus can be blocked for the most part. Once the droplets travel beyond the mask the droplets dry up and the bare virus can for a short time infect others—even those who are wearing masks.

4- Those who contract the virus will be able to spread it for several days at minimum before they have symptoms.

One thing in our favor: This virus, like all viruses, is already dead. Viruses are machines, not life forms. They work like a poison with a half-life of minutes to hours when not inside a living body. Potency falls to zero in minutes to days depending on what is going on around it and where it rests. 

After grocery shopping, don’t touch the groceries for 3 hours before putting them away. Perishables put in the fridge right away, because bacteria growth can be even more dangerous; the viruses will become ineffective after a few days.

You cannot contract any corona virus through your skin. It comes in through eyes, nose, and mouth. Virus on your hands is harmless until you touch your face, basically. Wash hands after every exposure to avoid contaminating the openings on your face.

The virus does not enter through ears, so don’t worry about those orifices. However, it is unwise to let anyone whisper in your ears, because you might touch your ears and spread the virus to your face.

FB April 4

Worldwide: 20.8% of recovered are dead.
USA: 36.4% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 540 deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.

These stats show the situation remains out of control.

FB April 5

Worldwide: 21.0% of recovered are dead.
USA: 35.7% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 617 deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.

These stats show the situation remains out of control. We won’t be at world rates until the USA rate drops to 20%.

Spain and Italy continue to lead the world in absolute numbers of deaths.

Pray that seasonal warming doesn’t increase lethality rates.

FB April 6
People who are putting money into the stock market right now are delusional.

Don’t do it.

The four hardest hit countries are Spain, Italy France, and the USA. These countries probably have the most reliable statistics.

Here’s what you need to know:

1/3 of the people who have fully recovered in those four countries are dead.

FB April 6

Worldwide: 21.1% of recovered are dead.
USA: 35.6% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 727 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 599 deaths today only.

These stats show the situation remains out of control. We won’t be at world rates until the USA rate drops to 20%.

Spain and Italy continue to lead the world in absolute numbers of deaths. It is likely that they will continue to lead in absolute numbers for another 2 weeks or so after which it’s possible, not certain, that the USA might overtake them.

Pray that seasonal warming doesn’t increase lethality rates.

My estimate for total USA deaths by May 1 is 85,000 with a plus or minus range of 40,000. My statistical prediction is a USA death count somewhere between 45K and 125K.

This estimate is based on no unforeseen developments, good or bad.

FB April 7
Today, the president confirmed what I posted yesterday that deaths in the USA will be dramatically lower than the CDC estimates. I swear he reads my stuff on the internet.

FB April 7

Worldwide: 21.4% of recovered are dead.
USA: 37.1% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 845 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 731 deaths today only.

These increases show that the situation remains out of control.

FB April 8

Worldwide: 21.6% of recovered are dead.
USA: 39.5% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 959 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 779 deaths today only.

Increases in every statistic show that the situation remains out of control.

The numbers in the USA seem to be similar to the Italian experience where almost 45% of recovered died during the recent peak. As of today in Italy, 40% of recovered have died.

Tomorrow the USA will move past Spain from 3rd to 2nd place in total deaths behind 1st place Italy.

FB April 9

Worldwide: 21.2% of recovered are dead.
USA: 39.2% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 1,076 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 799 deaths today only.

Statistics show that the situation has most likely stabilized. 3 more days of similar stats will confirm.

Death ranking is Italy, USA, and Spain in that order. Together these 3 countries are reporting 50,000 deaths.

My math continues to support a USA death toll by May 1 of between 45,000 to 125,000. If today marks the end of the surge, USA deaths could number as few as 40,000.

FB April 10

Worldwide: 21.4% of recovered are dead.
USA: 40.7% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 1,281 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 777 deaths today only.

Statistics are moving in the wrong direction. The situation continues to remain out of control. The USA profile continues to match Italy. Within the next 12 hours the USA will have the most fatalities of any country.

My math continues to support a USA death toll by May 1 of between 45,000 to 125,000. Deaths continue to surge based on today’s stats.
It’s too early to be optimistic.

FB April 10

During the past 7 days worldwide Covid-19 cases have increased by 55%. Worldwide deaths have increased by 74%.

If these numbers don’t come down, in six months everyone on Earth will have had the virus; 2 billion will be dead, which is roughly one out of four people.

Over two years this virus will become a species extinguishing event. Every human on Earth will be dead.

No evidence has been presented that having this virus confers immunity. In fact, the opposite is the case

FB April 11

Worldwide: 21.3% of recovered are dead.
USA: 41.0% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 1,392 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 783 deaths today only.

Statistics continue to move in the wrong direction. The situation continues to remain out of control. The USA now leads the world in the total number of deaths.

Optimism is not an appropriate attitude at this stage of the pandemic.

FB April 11

Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse…

Covid-19-associated acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy… I don’t know what it is; I don’t want to know; it sounds bad, and I can’t deal with this kind of terror right now.

FB April 12
This video might save your life. I highly recommend that everyone watch it.

FB April 13

Worldwide: 21.2% of recovered are dead.
USA: 39.4% of recovered are dead.
Michigan: 1,602 total deaths; no useful info on live recoveries.
New York: 671 deaths today only.

Statistics are moving in the right direction. The situation remains out of control, but the outlook is hopeful. USA leads the world in the total number of deaths with 23,555.

A wait and see attitude is the appropriate emotional response.

We should expect a dramatic decrease in daily deaths in the USA during the next 3 weeks if social distancing is effective.

FB April 14
During the past 14 days the number of people worldwide who have contracted the Corona virus has increased by 244%. If this rate continues, 5 million people could have the virus by May 1.

By June 1, 30 million people could be infected.

By July 4, over 100 million people might be infected worldwide.

By August 1, the number could be as high as 600 million.

On Sept 1, over one billion people could be infected.

The number of people with brain and lung damage could be in the hundreds-of-millions. 30 million could be dead.

By Christmas—well… you don’t want to know.

Everyone expects miracles to change the course of this pandemic. Maybe miracles are forthcoming. In the meantime social distancing and soap are the only things that are stopping a species-extinguishing catastrophe from ending human civilization over the next few years.

This virus is real.

Minus immunity and vaccine, we can’t win.

FB April 14
Trump is the only one who can save us. Let that sink in, because it’s true.

FB April 14
I’m no longer going to provide daily reports on the virus, because the pandemic forest fire is burning out of control and we don’t have enough fire fighters.

If it starts raining or some other miracle reverses this catastrophe, I’ll let folks know when the reversal starts. Consider that no news from me is bad news.

FB April 15
If everyone who has Corona Virus right now is somehow able to survive—if no one else dies—the death rate for this virus will stand at 6.3%. People who tell you that the fatality rate is 1% are lying or ignorant or both.

Of course, more people will die. When I study the stats, the worldwide fatality rate looks like it will stabilize somewhere between 8 and 15 percent.

About 1/3 of the survivors are reporting various degrees of damage to their brains and/or lungs.

People who want to “open up the country” to this level of suffering are going to reap a whirlwind on themselves, their families, and their friends.

Stay home and use soap. Pray for vaccine.

If it turns out that recovered people don’t develop immunity; if it turns out that summer weather doesn’t tamp down the virus then by fall humans will find themselves trapped in a nightmare with no immediate way out.

The USA has a higher percentage of survivors than almost anywhere on Earth. If we don’t overwhelm our healthcare system, we can keep it that way.

Until we have herd immunity or vaccine, our lives are not going to return to what they once were. We are going to live in a virtual world where we interact with each other through apps like Zoom.

Somehow, we will make the best of it. We will find a way to love each other and have fun.

FB April 15
2,443 people died from Corona virus in the USA today. If deaths don’t increase, in 2021 on April 15 the USA will have 922,000 dead people. Millions more will suffer permanent lung and brain damage.

The people tying up traffic in their cars around the State Capitol need to go home and shower with soap.

After we get a treatment or a vaccine or herd immunity we can argue about freedom.

If we do what these protestors seem to want, millions will die.

FB April 15
Sonny Perdue, the Agricultural Secretary, just said on national TV that disruptions in the food supply and empty grocery shelves are the result of people not eating in restaurants and buying their food instead in grocery stores.

The packaging of food to restaurants is different than to the individual consumer, he said. Once the packaging issues get resolved, food scarcity will end.

Buy non-perishable foods and stock them now.

FB April 16
According to NHK World News (Japanese station) the USA CDC reported that more than 9,000 US health care workers are infected with the Corona Virus as of April 9.

It makes the action by some of the demonstrators near the hospital even more despicable, if that were possible.

FB April 17
50 days ago, total worldwide virus cases were 82,794;
deaths, 2,817;
recovered, 33,370.

Today total cases are 2,183,581;
deaths are 146,855;
recovered are 552,735.

50 days from now is June 5. If rates accelerate, God forbid, we will have nearly 60 million cases and 8 million deaths.

50 days later is July 25. If rates continue to accelerate we will have 1.5 billion cases and 416 million deaths.

48 days later is 911. By September 11, 2020 everyone in the world will have been infected and died.

End of story.

We can’t just flatten the curve and expect to survive. We have to crush it out of existence. People do not seem to be able to face the reality that an accelerating pandemic means that humanity is facing a species extinction event.

We are on the Titanic. The problem is we have no lifeboats.

We have social distancing, yes, but all it does is stop the acceleration of the pandemic. The velocity is likely to continue. Over a decade or so of constant velocity without acceleration, everything we cherish about civilization might be lost. 

Magical thinkers need to get real, get onboard, and hunker down.

We need a miracle.

FB April 18
Non-Covid admissions to hospitals have plummeted. Since people stopped eating fast food, the overall good health of Americans has skyrocketed off the charts.

It’s a miracle.

FB April 18
36.4% of USA patients who are over this virus are dead. The pandemic continues to spread predictably, which means the pandemic is out of control both in the USA and worldwide.

Pray that summer knocks down transmission rates as it does with most viruses. I remember polio before vaccines. It got worse during summers and struck children with crippling side effects.

The next 50 days will teach us better what we are actually dealing with and help everyone think more realistically about risks.

My intention is to give Saturday evening (weekly) updates and assessments until this catastrophe ends one way or the other. Daily updates are too much work.

FB April 19
A number of people are becoming concerned about civil liberties as governments like South Korea try to track infected individuals through phones, primarily.

Our phones are ankle-bracelets that enable authorities to know whether we are sheltering in place as compelled by directives.

If we survive this pandemic it will be after several waves of shelter-in-place and years of social distancing—unless we develop immunities and vaccines, which at the moment seem out of reach.

This video is for people who are worried about what comes after.  

FB April 20
The 7 states with the highest % of infected folks in order of severity are:

New York
New Jersey
Rhode Island
Washington DC

DC is technically not a state, but it’s important because it is the seat of the federal government.

FB April 20
Corona Virus stats are being tracked for 212 countries and territories in the world. As of today, the USA is ranked 42nd in the % of its population tested for Corona Virus.

In order of the biggest testing percentage to least, here are the top 42 places. A lot of rich people, by the way, have citizenship in the top 25

1 – Iceland
Faeroe Islands
Falkland Islands
United Arab Republic
San Marino
Isle of Man
15 – Norway
25 –Slovenia
Channel Islands
New Zealand
Hong Kong
35 – Singapore
42 – USA
212 – Yemen

FB April 21
Trump’s Dr. Birx said today that the United States has one of the lowest death rates in the world.

Out of 212 countries and territories being tracked, the USA has the 14th highest death rate by percentage of population. It has the highest absolute number of deaths by far–no one else comes close. 198 countries and territories have a lower death rate.

35.3% of those in the USA who are over this virus have died.

Trump has his own experts lying to the American public. The countries with the highest rates of death on April 21, 2020 are the following:

1- San Marino
2- Belgium
3- Andorra
4- Spain
5- Italy
6- France
7- UK
8- Saint Maarten
9- Netherlands
10- Sweden
11- Switzerland
12- Ireland
13- Channel Islands
14- USA

FB April 21
The top 10 countries and territories (out of 212 tracked) ranked in order of most new cases of Corona Virus to the least are:

1 – USA
United Kingdom
10 – India

True on April 21, 2020.

FB April 23
Homeland Security said today that the “half-life” of the Corona Virus is 1.5 minutes under ultra-violet light, which is a component of sunlight.

Moms sending their kids out on a bright day should understand that it takes at least 20 half-lives to take a 300 trillion dose of virus in a typical sneeze down to less than the 10,000-count necessary to infect most exposed people.

This number of half-lives amounts to a half-hour. It’s a long time. So it’s good news that sunlight can disinfect a surface, but surfaces don’t become safe right away. It takes a half-hour in direct sunlight for a single sneeze.

The other piece of good news is that isopropyl alcohol is effective against this virus. You apply it to a surface. 100 minutes later (20 5-minute half-lives later) the surface is probably safe. The time is less than 2 hours, right? You don’t have to wipe it up. The rubbing alcohol evaporates.

Chlorine bleach destroys all biomolecules almost on contact. I would use household bleach except on surfaces that might discolor or degrade (like rubber seals, colored fabrics, and certain plastics). Avoid breathing vapors. They can mess up your lungs worse than the virus.

The other good news is that during summer — during hot humid nights over 10 hours or so long — the outdoors will likely purge itself of viable Corona Virus according to this government lab. That news is good for most people who live in heat and humidity during the summer.

FB April 23
People should remember that viruses aren’t living organisms. They are machines that “rust” under certain conditions; this “rusting” takes time (measured in “half-lives”) to reduce large numbers of viruses to a number unlikely to infect someone.

The number of half-lives determines the amount of time it takes to render a surface probably safe. Multiply half-lives by 20 to get an approximate time and add a safety factor to be safe.

FB April 24
Trump is fun. I’m going to miss him someday. 

FB April 24
Wonderful advice to shut-ins coming from Trump himself: squirt Lysol up your ***. It will make the entire house smell better.

FB April 24
I know someone who will prescribe this important medication for anyone who needs it.

FB April 25
Trump’s screw-ups yesterday tell me he is terrified. It’s no joke.

FB April 25
A week ago, the USA was in 42nd place on % of population tested. Today it is in 41st place.

FB April 25
Apes in Corona studies are developing 100% immunity rates after recovering from the disease. Effective vaccines are already developed to give them lifetime immunities.

Not so for people.

In a few years Earth might become a Planet of the Apes like Hollywood predicted decades ago.

It’s almost impossible to develop vaccines for diseases that people don’t already develop natural immunities for. Hopefully the word “almost” is the operative concept.

If we don’t see natural immunity emerging then my advice is stay home, use soap, and prepare psychologically to lose television, the internet, and good foods over the next 7 months or so.

FB April 26

FB April 27
Frank Schaeffer is the son of the celebrity Christian writer Francis Schaeffer of yesteryear. Here is his recent FB post.

As news spread that Whitmer was likely to extend the lockdown period until May 15, armed protesters gathered outside of her home on Thursday for a ”demonstration” dubbed ‘operation Queen’s castle.’ To have armed thugs try to intimidate a US governor is a Trump’s/America crime. Expect these Trump clone jerks to kill people on election day 2020 to try and shut the polls if it looks like Trump will lose. Frank Schaeffer

FB April 27
I hear a lot of crazy talk on all the networks. Here are the facts:

1- If antigens are not stimulating the production of antibodies that confer robust immunity, it is unlikely that we will ever have a vaccine for this virus.

2- If antigens are stimulating the production of antibodies that confer limited immunity, an effective vaccine could take 10-15 year to come on-line.

3- If human antigens are stimulating the production of antibodies that confer permanent immunity, it might be possible to produce effective vaccines in 2-3 years. In the meantime, people are likely to develop herd immunity. The virus is likely to kill less than 1 in 35 people, which is a death rate that most folks can tolerate for a short period of time. Survivors won’t like it, though.

4- Barring a miracle between now and the election, a million Americans could be getting sick each day. No one believes the virus will become this pervasive, but the numbers say that it could happen.

If everyone who has the disease right now fully recovers and no one else gets sick, the death rate will stand at 7%. A rate of death this high means that if 1 out of 3  Americans get sick enough to be diagnosed, 7 million people are going to die over some period of time. Without immunity or vaccines, the disease will cause a worldwide collapse in populations over a period of time determined by the virus.

Recently people stood outside the Governor’s house with military style automatic weapons. The threat to the Governor is pretty clear. People who are supporting these lunatics will share the blame if the Governor gets hurt.

If you are one of those people, consider yourself a killer. Innocent people who get sick through no fault of their own are going to die if gun-toting lunatics get their way and the state opens too soon.

FB April 27
The USA has less than 5% of the world’s population. It has 33% of the Corona cases.

63% of those who have gotten the disease worldwide are still infected. 19% of those who have recovered have recovered by dying.

7% of everyone who has contracted the virus has died whether or not they recovered or remain actively infected.

Why is the USA so messed up by this virus when other countries are not?

A strong case can be made that the president is working aggressively to disable the folks who are charged with saving the country. He fired the doctor in charge of organizing the search for vaccines. He made the world-renowned Dr. Fauci disappear.

When was the last time anyone saw the Surgeon General or the director of the CDC?

Who knows their names?


Why is the president working against the United States?

A search for clues might begin by reexamining the Mueller report. Read the impeachment transcripts. Observe his relationships with North Korea, China, and Russia. Go to his prison and ask Paul Manafort, the president’s former campaign manager.

I’ve heard some evangelicals tell a lot of stories about why they love Trump. He’s held power for over 3 years. What has he done about abortion and gay marriage? It’s the two issues evangelicals claim to care about.

What have moron evangelicals gotten for their Faustian bargain?

So far, the answer is NOTHING except misery for all on a grand scale.

What does anyone have to lose by closing their eyes and covering their ears?

The answer is, THE COUNTRY.

FB April 28
I hate to be the bearer of distressing news. Most people probably already know this: evidence has emerged that people can transmit the new virus to their pets, both dogs and cats. No evidence yet of reverse transmission.

FB April 29
The top 10 countries and territories (out of 212 tracked) ranked in order of most new cases of Corona Virus to the least are:

1 – USA
United Kingdom
10 – India

True on April 28, 2020.

FB April 29
The news about Remdesivir is that it might be able to shorten the suffering of infected patients if administered early. It’s an Ebola viral treatment that has undergone trials in several countries where the trials were discontinued for various reasons.

The drug is important, because if it works it will be the first tool available to reduce suffering. Dying from Covid-19 is about the worse way to die there is, right?

It’s like being burned at the stake except that it starts inside the body and the process lasts longer. For those in hospital, they can be sedated.

Shortening stays will reduce stress on hospitals.

Unfortunately, the drug doesn’t address the fundamental problem, which is that this virus is looking more and more like the fabled “zombie” virus that every epidemiologist fears most. There’s never been one in the history of human health, but they are possible in principle.

A zombie virus is a virus that infects 100% of the population because it has a high transmission number and no who carries it develops immunity. Victims continue to infect others and to be “re-infected” until their organs fail.

The following Tedx video was produced in 2018 before anyone had heard about Covid-19.

FB April 29
If you are in a restaurant and a patron 6 feet away expels a large volume of gas, will you lose your appetite? 10 feet?

It’s a question eerily similar to a question you might ask about sitting near someone with virus who sneezes.

FB April 29
Corona cases have surged during the past three days in the United States and the world.

Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Do whatever you can to isolate your families and stock up. This thing is going to get bad very fast.

Be prepared for bank and currency failures. In a sad way, there is no way to safeguard against these catastrophes when they finally come.

We are going to be tested beyond measure.

Prepare psychologically for the worst possible outcome and pray for miracles.

FB April 30
Today the court’s ruled in favor of Gretchen Whitmer. Here is an excerpt from an article The Hill reported this morning:

A group of five Michigan residents filed a lawsuit against the governor and other state officials claiming that the quarantine measures infringed on their constitutional rights to procedural and substantive due process. They also alleged that the state’s Emergency Management Act was unconstitutional.

The Michigan Court of Claims rejected both allegations, ruling that an injunction against Whitmer’s order would not serve the public interest, “despite the temporary harm to plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.”

“Although the Court is painfully aware of the difficulties of living under the restrictions of these executive orders, those difficulties are temporary, while to those who contract the virus and cannot recover (and to their family members and friends), it is all too permanent,” Court of Claims Judge Christopher M. Murray wrote.

FB April 30
A couple of things about the economy:

The unemployment rate is unnatural — unlike the Great Depression when it was due to an economic collapse.

There is no scarcity of goods or money — unlike during the Great Depression. We have an induced reduction in consumption. Money is everywhere, though I’ve heard reports that people are not yet getting their unemployment and stimulus checks on time.

A situation like the one we’re in is unprecedented. No one knows for sure how it will play out. It could end in catastrophe. On the other hand, it might result only in high inflation, which can be managed under good leadership.

Donald Trump is president, not Franklin Roosevelt.

It looks like the virus is going to be managed by a plethora of anti-viral anti-inflammatory drugs much like AIDS is managed. It means that social distancing and sheltering in place for the vulnerable are going to be the new normal for a couple of years — or until the treatment cocktail of drugs is figured out to eliminate mortality, whichever comes first.

People who require hospitalization are going to have faster better outcomes soon which is good news for those who get really sick and for their caregivers.

In the meantime, should an effective vaccine be released everything will go back to the way it was.

Hopefully we will get that miracle someday sooner rather than later.

FB April 30
A couple of things about Remdesivir:

I read the abstract of the Chinese study, which is being reported on NHK.

The Chinese reported 66% adverse side-effects in patients treated with Remdesivir. 12% had to discontinue treatment due to side-effects.

The course of the disease was shortened in those administered Remdesivir, but mortality did not differ from placebo.

I’ve looked into the company that is pushing Remdesivir. I see some red flags, some serious. Nevertheless, testing is being ramped up. In a month or so, we should have a better analysis.

People who are making claims on television can not know if the improvements in some patients are due to Remdesivir, because the tests are double-blind, which means that no one is supposed to know who is on placebo.

Although the drug might be a good one, skepticism when money and power are at stake is always prudent.

Nevertheless, I’m going to remain skeptically optimistic until evidence emerges that we are being taken for a ride by charlatans. It wouldn’t be the first time.

There’s no harm in hoping that doctors in full uniform are telling the truth when they are obviously making claims to the public that they can only make if the tests are being administered in a way that violates protocols.

FB May 1
The USA just passed the 65,000 mark for Corona deaths. By June 1 the death toll is likely to be 100,000, but only if the number of deaths per day is cut by half.

Based on what I’m seeing, such a drop can happen only if Covid is seasonal — something there is no evidence for at this time.

Without a summertime drop in cases, the death toll could reach 125,000 people by June 1. By July 4, it could be 200,000.

These are numbers that can be suppressed by social distancing and shelter-in-place. Amelioration can also be abetted by concentrating on prison populations and nursing homes.

FB May 1
Today the daily number of new cases of C virus worldwide and in the USA was the second highest of the past two weeks.

FB May 2
A Canadian survivor of Covid-19, including three weeks on a ventilator. He’s a beautiful human being. It’s good that he made it; he survived.

FB May 4
35% of all Corona virus disease in the United States developed during the past two weeks (14 days). 33% of all C disease in the world developed during the same period.

417,828 cases developed in the USA;
1,158,615 developed during same period worldwide.

The average number of new cases per day in the USA during the past two weeks was 29,844; worldwide, it was 82,758.

In the USA new cases averaged 4% lower during the second week than during the first week, which is a downward trend. This trend will accelerate if the virus is seasonal. If the disease is seasonal, it will be a good thing.

As social distancing breaks down or is ended by states, it will be interesting to see how new cases trend. We will see those trends show up in about 4 weeks, because social distancing isn’t going to end abruptly due to fear in the population.

Which will be the stronger trend — more cases due to loss of distancing, or fewer cases due to seasonal decline? We are going to know by the end of summer.

FB May 4
The United States and Great Britain will lead the world in 1st and 2nd place in number of C cases by middle of week.

Seems odd.

Too early to say that C is going to be seasonal, but signals in the data are showing up for anyone who wants to zero in on them to make the argument.

If C turns out to be seasonal, it will be huge for safety, at least during summer. No evidence exists right now one way or the other that anyone can trust.

The immunity question remains to be answered. If the answer turns out to be yes, it will mean that vaccines are possible. With vaccines everything will go back to the way it was more quickly.

Otherwise, the ride is going to be bumpy and long.

FB May 4
Top ten countries in new C Virus cases today…

1- USA
Saudi Arabia
10- Mexico

Congratulations everyone!

FB May 5
People who want to better understand the biology of and research into Covid-19 should watch this video by a lung specialist.

FB May 5
The USA and UK now have the highest daily death counts and overall number of deaths. Their leaders are doing exactly what anyone else would do to destroy their countries.

Kudos to both Boris and Donny — Putin’s orange puppets.

Thanks to Americans and Brits for standing by their BMs (boastful morons).

We had a chance to hold on to democracy, but not enough people saw the danger. After we lost our country, not enough people had the courage to take a stand for what is right.

Our billionaires are too afraid to stand up to mobsters with foreign accents. They are cowards. We no longer need them, because they are useless.

We are on our own — reduced to scrounging empty shelves for steak and toilet paper. Pathetic is too weak a word.

FB May 5
Based on the way research is being conducted, it seems clear to me that we will never have a safe vaccine for this virus. It’s possible our leaders also know it.

They would never open the country if they had a cure on the horizon. Why kill people unnecessarily unless they feel they have no alternative?

FB May 5
Top 15 USA states with new C virus cases today:

1- New York
2- California
3- New Jersey
4- Illinois
5- Massachusetts
6- Texas
7- Pennsylvania
8- Virginia
9- Maryland
10- Minnesota
11- Kentucky
12- Florida
13- Indiana
14- North Carolina
15- Ohio

We owe Gretchen Whitmer big time for guiding her state from 3rd to 19th in two weeks. Social distancing and stay-at-home worked for us and saved hundreds of lives.

Put your guns away and breathe safer air. We will worry about tomorrow when it comes.

FB May 5
Safest places to live in the USA as measured by fewest deaths by Corona virus. Safest first.

1- Wyoming
2- Alaska
3- Montana
4- Hawaii
5- South Dakota
6- North Dakota
7- West Virginia
8- Vermont
9- Utah
10- Maine
11- Idaho
12- Arkansas
13- Nebraska
14- New Hampshire
15- Oregon
16- Kansas
17- New Mexico
18- Delaware
19- Iowa
20- Tennessee

Only 1,724 people have died in these 20 safest states. The other 32 states account for 70,547 deaths. So, the gulf between safest and most dangerous is a big one.

FB May 6
An alarming uptick in coronavirus cases worldwide has occurred during the past 4 days. Same in the USA.

Quora has threatened to remove me from its site if my answers aren’t more respectful to the president. I’m not lying.

Their “be kind and respectful” policy applies to everyone, including the president. Criticizing the president in a derisive, non-deferential manner can get you banned.

Anyone who thinks they have free speech in America isn’t blogging and posting “controversial” opinions on social media.

A space administrator upvoted my content and then apologized to me personally for removing my content from his space, because it was too political. The content was my criticism of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anyone who doesn’t believe censorship is real might want to ask a controversial person if they feel able to write freely about what’s on their mind.

I have to self-censor because if too many Trumperlogytes flag my answers, I get put on a list and my status is literally threatened by a note sent to me by a nameless person I will never meet.

FB May 6
Now we have another warning sign of Covid infection: COVID TOES. Look it up. Ask for images. Someone said they knew about this disorder two weeks ago. Who can be up-to-speed on everything all the time? Not me. 

FB May 7
Here’s the top ten list by country for percentage of population that has gotten infected since this pandemic began:

1- Belgium
2- Spain
3- Italy
4- UK
5- France
6- Netherlands
7- Sweden
8- Ireland
9- USA
10- Switzerland

Ninth place isn’t bad. We are doing good compared to Belgium where NATO headquarters is located.

FB May 7
Every day, people should learn at least one new Coronavirus word or term to maintain their ability to talk about Coronavirus intelligently. Today, I want to get everyone started with 4 terms:


C virus thrives in bio-slime. Bio-slime thrives in drainage overflow that can sometimes contaminate ground water. C virus can remain viable in feces for 47 days. Vapor distilled water with added electrolytes might be safe to drink. Check this to be sure.

As I post this message, the term “acquired immunity” is not a “thing”. There is NO evidence that getting Covid-19 protects anyone from another infection or spreading it to others.

Lack of cases in places like Wuhan seem to be the result of lockdowns. No one knows anything for sure except that the virus is super weird.

FB May 7
Two home remedies for coronavirus that a few internet doctors have said might diminish symptoms are blood-pressure Ace inhibitors like lisinopril and other blood-pressure medicines in the same class as losartan.

Micro-clots in the lungs might be suppressed with certain blood thinners like Plavix.

Who knows?

I’ve used all three of these drugs. I had the side-effect of debilitating dizziness with Losartan and had to discontinue it.

No one knows for sure, but people grasp at every straw when they don’t have science to guide them. In theory, ace inhibitors and blood thinners seem to be logical choices to fight against the legendary cytokine storms that kill many patients. Blood pressure meds seem to be a sensible pick to prevent strokes and harmful pressure spikes. 

In the end, when people have given up hope for vaccines and acquired immunity, this virus is going to be managed by a plethora of drugs similar to the cocktails of medications that are used to suppress the symptoms of AIDS.

Unless evidence for acquired immunity emerges, humans are likely in for a rough ride.

No one should ever use a medicine that has not been prescribed by a doctor, by the way.  

FB May 7
A lot of politicians are repeating nonsense about C disease to justify opening their states. One is that surgical masks are effective against catching the virus.

Surgical masks are used in hospitals to help prevent the surgeons and other health care workers from contaminating the patient, not the other way around.

Face shields, gloves, and special clothing protect health care workers from catching something from their patients. This specialized PPE is remarkably effective but not available to ordinary people to use during trips to the grocery.

FB May 8
Does anyone remember this best seller from 2015? It did well and helped get our current Knight in Shining Armor elected.

Billy Lee

On May 9, the number of dead Americans from Covid-19 broke 80,000. Over 4.1 million people worldwide are infected. 60 days ago, dead Americans numbered 38. Infected Americans numbered 1,267.

60 days later, the number of sickened Americans stands at 1,347,309.

With no vaccines nor evidence of acquired immunity, how high will the numbers climb during the next 175 days before the November election?

Will we get the miracle everyone is hoping for?

Keep praying is what Billy Lee mumbles to himself when he thinks no one is watching.  

From the Editorial Board:  Billy Lee wrote a poem that resonates with how most of us feel about the public’s responsibility during a pandemic that is turning out to be bigger than all of us. We asked his permission to publish, and he agreed. 


Who can blame anyone for sleeping
On a day when everyone is weeping?
Dinosaurs flailed in their last hours
Fighting for lives against the powers.
They did not, could not, would not understand
How to shield babies from God’s ruthless plan.

Who can blame anyone for crying
On a day when everyone is dying?
Pompeiians gasped for one last breath
Fighting for lives against hot death.
They did not, could not, would not understand
How to shield babies from God’s ruthless plan.

Who can blame anyone for playing
On a day when everyone is praying?
Teenagers dancing on sun bleached sand
Betting our lives to enjoy what they can.
They did not, could not, will never understand
How to shield babies from God’s ruthless plan.

Billy Lee

Added 4 July 2020:  Evidence for immunity against the coronavirus has emerged in infected Chinese monkeys. China announced a vaccine on June 25 and is inoculating members of their military. 

Added 10 July 2021:  Effective vaccines are now available in the United States. Evidence for immunity against the coronavirus has emerged in people who have recovered.

As of today, 35 million Americans have been infected. 623 thousand are dead.  Nearly 5 million Americans are currently sick. Covid-19 has killed one out of 534 citizens.

Found first in India, the Delta variant (B.1.617.2) is now the predominant strain of coronavirus in the USA. Pfizer is reporting that their vaccine is less effective against the Delta variant. General protection from the Pfizer vaccine degrades after 6 months, the company says. Booster vaccinations are planned. 

Worldwide, 187 million have been infected; 4 million are dead;  12 million are currently sick. 

Added 19 September 2021:  10 million Americans are currently infected inside the USA (3% of the population). About 2,000 citizens are dying each day. Last week 250,000 children were diagnosed with Covid-19.

My fully-vaccinated son and a few of his fully-vaccinated friends caught Covid three weeks ago and stayed sick for more than a week. One unvaccinated friend was hospitalized and put on oxygen. He recovered. 

Schools are open; people are partying in college towns everywhere.; sports and concerts are back. Effectiveness of shots has waned but this week experts, some of them, recommended boosters only for the immuno-compromised and those over 65.

We’ve come a long way since 11 March 2020 when Americans dead from Covid-19 numbered 38. No one really knows how many worldwide have been infected nor how many died during two years of pandemic. The countries of the world started lying about the numbers and lost track. The truth is most folks no longer seem to care.

No expert I know has stepped forward to tell anyone what the future holds. Few folks trust the experts anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter.

Nevertheless, who thought vaccines, once available, would fail? Who thought new variants would break through natural immunities? 

Feeling helpless before a future that might take everything? No? What might be left a year from now?  A few months from now?

The lonely writhe,
Cry and die…
The deaf and blind,
They dine.
Neither do they whine nor pine
While flags of resistance
 Beat in the distance
Bellowing viral churn
Making Dark Suns burn
and Hell’s knells chime. 


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