A lot of people have been poisoned recently, mostly in Europe by Russians, if overseas media is believed.
Mark Rowley, Britain’s chief police official for counterterrorism and international security, told media that the former British agent and Russian citizen Sergei V. Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia Skripal, 33, “were targeted specifically,” — poisoned on 7 March 2018 by a nerve agent.
People familiar with nerve poisons have said that the poison used in this attack is impossible for a “non-state” actor to produce, let alone store and deploy to kill others. The statement by Britain’s top terrorism cop doesn’t leave room for many suspects.
Sergei and his daughter endured the mysterious deaths of several family members over the past many years. Now both lie in hospital in intensive care with Sergei remaining in critical condition as this essay is written. The killers seem to have targeted not only Sergei, but his entire family.
This essay isn’t about intentional assassinations by twisted power-trippers with appetites for terror.
The assassinations by poison in England and elsewhere set the context for something far more pervasive and debilitating — the unleashing of toxins on billions of humans and virtually every animal and plant on the earth and sea by uncaring people motivated not by revenge but by the desire to sequester money for themselves, their families, and their businesses.
A lot of money can be made by people who don’t care who or what they poison. There is no limit to how much money they can keep, either. Read Capitalism and Income Inequality.
In this essay I’m going to write about a dozen or so poisons that people are ingesting in ignorance which destroy their kidneys, their brains, their hearts, their nerves, their stomachs, their muscles, their finger and toenails, and their long beautiful hair. Who will warn people about the dangers if I don’t?

Television tells us nothing except that the current president and his thugs are rolling back decades of protections against all kinds of dangerous products; nothing in popular media warns anyone that they are floating in a fog of toxins that is making them sick and killing them unawares. Without regulations, it’s going to get worse.
Dozens of people have dropped dead while using paint-strippers that contain the toxin methylene chloride, according to CBS News. (Click link for video.) Manufacturers say that millions use their products safely. Why ban a substance that only kills a few people per year? Life is cheap in unregulated America. It seems like life is going to get a lot cheaper.
Methylene chloride is used to decaffeinate coffee and tea. No one in authority seems to care. A California judge is ruling whether a law that compels coffee retailers to warn customers about cancer risks can be enforced. The chemical in this case is acrylamide, a known carcinogen, which is produced when coffee is brewed.
Acrylamide contaminates French fries, potato chips, bread, and other foodstuffs. The current leadership at the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is laughing at California. EPA execs continue to push for deregulation while they strive to keep the population ignorant about the risks of the products they use and ingest.
What would people think if they learned that only one person in three dies of old age? The two other unfortunates are dying from preventable accidents and diseases caused primarily by the toxins they ingest daily. Think about it.
Does anyone believe it? The punks who seized power last year after a tampered election are planning to deconstruct the United States and its agencies, whose mission was once to make life safer and easier for ordinary people.
The danger is not only inside the USA. Anyone who disagrees that homo sapiens are in danger ought to look to the plant and animal kingdoms around the world. Diversity is collapsing; the health of adult animals is deteriorating; fish and other sea-life contain high levels of toxins that make them unsafe to eat.
Were it not for short life spans, the suffering of animals and plants would be obvious to all but the most willfully ignorant. Testing of animals shows that all adult animals are suffering from contamination by heavy metals and other toxins placed into the environment by guess who? — humans, mostly.
What is manganism, anyway? Yes, it’s the title of my essay, but it’s also a matrix of symptoms induced by the deadly neurotoxin, manganese. Like most of the poisons in this article, it is a fundamental element of the periodic table. I am arguing that a position in the periodic table does not entitle entrepreneurs to extract and market elements in the table that are poisons.
Humans need 5 milligrams of manganese daily to power up the enzymes used in cell catalysis. Double the dose to 10, however, and they develop psychosis — manganese madness. The difference between survival and suffering is razor thin.
Symptoms start as irritability, mood swings, and compulsiveness, which progress to full-fledged Parkinson disease-like pathologies that are often misdiagnosed. Manganism lowers IQ and increases aggression — a dangerous juxtaposition.
With the advent of industrialization and the follow-on of high-technology, manganese has been poured into the environment like rain-water. It’s used everywhere in industry to prevent corrosion in metals.
Most steel contains manganese; some steels have as much as 15%. Construction helmets and military headgear are fabricated from them.
Manganese is a major component of alkaline batteries. It’s found in ground water, gasoline, and fertilizers — it’s used on the plants people eat. It’s concentrated by water-heaters that feed hot water to showers, of all places. Never swish water in your mouth from a shower-head while bathing.

The sodium-ion battery (some call it a salt-water battery) is, at this moment, coming on line. It uses manganese-dioxide electrodes. The plan is to use these batteries to power cars by 2020, mainly because the batteries don’t catch fire. The introduction of these batteries into electric cars will add another flood of manganese into the environment where it will — eventually — be ingested by plants, animals, and humans.
Brain damage by manganese is irreversible.
People once wondered why the people of ancient Rome went crazy. Edward Gibbon and other historians attributed it to moral decay and corruption. But the people of ancient Rome added lead to their wine to kill pathogens (like mold and fungus) and to sweeten it. Even on a good day adding highly toxic lead to wine is a bad idea.
Americans — like the ancient Romans — are weird, too. Maybe someday historians and pathologists will note the high levels of manganese in our exhumed bodies and conclude that we also unwittingly destroyed ourselves from a single chemical no one really needed and that no one took the time to forbid.

It takes a lot of effort to isolate manganese. People take the time to produce it for one reason and one reason only — to make money. Manganese is an iron-like metal used to impart the color purple to the gemstone, amethyst. Producers of manganese pay lobbyists to convince congress-people to go easy on them, so they can continue to enrich their families while the planet dies beneath their shuffling feet.
Breathing manganese vapors is the most direct path to poisoning, but manganese is also imbibed by eating too many of the wrong vegetables and not eating enough other vegetables that counter-act the toxin. The balance between enough and too much is that fragile.
Modern technology is tipping the balance into the way-too-much zone. Soon people will be too far gone to notice or care. They will be weak and shaky — unable to save themselves; unable to find refuge from poisons they can’t see, smell, or taste.
Steels rust and corrode. Manganese dust worms its way into soils and floats in the air, carried by the wind. Folks spread manganese-rich fertilizers on their lawns and crops. Inhaling small amounts of dust induces neurological injury.
Introducing tens-of-thousands of tons of manganese into the power plants of electric cars is only going to add to the problems of maintaining a healthy Earth.
There is a good reason why tycoons want to make manganese a staple of the world’s diet of toxins. The supply is inexhaustible. The floors of the Earth’s oceans are covered by 500 billion tons of baseball sized nodules of manganese. When the land-based stuff is gone, profiteers plan to scoop manganese nodules off the ocean floors.

Here’s the problem: these nodules contain an additional neurotoxin called thallium, which was used as a rodent poison in the United States until it was banned in 1972 — accidents killed too many pesticide technicians.
Enough said.
I don’t want to depress or scare anyone, so I’m only going to go into detail on a couple of other poisons that are ruining lives. Then I will list a number of toxins that everyone is ingesting everyday — with links added for anyone who wants to learn more.
To any reader who has read this far — congratulations. You have courage and a high bummer tolerance.
Wall-Mart sold to “juniors” hundreds-of-thousands of Miley Cyrus jewelry accessories coated with high levels of cadmium in 2010. According to press accounts, they refused to stop selling these poison trinkets for months, because they claimed they lacked the tools to test their products for safety. Cadmium is toxic, even in the smallest amounts. There is no safe level.
Artists discovered cadmium’s toxic effects, when first they mixed it into paints to make vibrant orange, yellow, and red colors during the early 1800s. It’s a heavy metal that when ingested instantly attacks the kidneys (which it eventually destroys), lungs, and bones. It causes cancer. Smoking, welding, painting, metals production, galvanizing, and fertilizers are common sources of human contamination.
Ni-Cad (nickel-cadmium) rechargeable batteries are one of the most pervasive consumer products — used in every kind of electronic gadget, including computers and even children’s toys until banned by many countries a few years ago.
Did anyone properly dispose these batteries when they came to the end of their useful lives? I don’t think so. Most folks tossed them in the trash where over the decades they have been corroding in land-fills to poison everything they touch. There is no safe-level for human exposure.
Ni-Cad batteries are banned for general use by the EU (European Union), but are freely available in the United States and other countries. In the current climate of deregulation, toxins like cadmium are going to be unloaded on our unsuspecting populations for one reason and one reason only; we all know why: money.
Billionaires rule, and none live in the toxic wastelands of ordinary America. Greed thrives on greed while it drives out compassion, common sense, and consumer safety.
Cadmium is pervasive in zinc deposits and is embedded in every galvanized piece of metal you have ever handled. In Japan rice grown in cadmium contaminated irrigation water causes itai-itai disease. It makes bones so weak they fracture spontaneously. Click the link to learn more.
People who work to galvanize steel can develop metal fume fever, a flu-like disease that renders them unconscious should they breathe in the cadmium that always contaminates zinc, which is the galvanizing metal. When ingested in fumes, zinc will by itself make workers sick.
Gun enthusiasts sometimes fall victim to metal fume fever, because bullets can tear away microscopic layers of gun-barrel bores; metal-toxins become an invisible mist they inhale unaware.
Zinc-oxide is the major component of sunscreens. Do sunbathers trust the manufacturers of sunscreen around the world to decontaminate zinc from the cadmium in its ores? There is no safe dose for cadmium. Smearing cadmium into the pores of sweating skin is a bad idea.
Zinc is 97.5% of every U.S. penny minted since the 1980s. The copper cladding is less than three percent. It is impossible to remove all traces of cadmium from zinc. Pennies are poisonous. There is no safe level for cadmium. Handling old pennies with sweaty hands (or swallowing one accidentally) is another bad idea.
To say again: I have compiled a list of about a dozen or so poisons that people are ingesting in ignorance that destroy their kidneys, their brains, their hearts, their nerves, their stomachs, their muscles, their finger and toenails, and their long beautiful hair. Who is going to tell them about the dangers if I don’t?
I see nothing on television; I read nothing in print media that warns the public that they are living in a poison glen of toxins where billionaires make them sick and yes, murder them.
Do these greedy monsters care? If they did, they would provide health care to the miserable people they hurt. The truth is, they could care less. The consensus among billionaires is to ruin health care in the United States and let victims fend for themselves.
The wealthy intend to privatize every government program designed to defend the helpless. Their puppets advocate for privatization and an end to regulations on conservative talk shows all the time, and I for one believe they mean it.
It must be asked again: Does anyone know that only one person in three dies of old age? The two other unfortunates are dying from preventable accidents and diseases caused primarily by the toxins they ingest daily.
Anyone who disagrees that humans are at risk ought to look to the plant and animal kingdoms. As I wrote earlier, diversity is collapsing; the health of adult animals is in a terrible state; sea-creatures are irradiated by the run-off from ruined nuclear power generators like those at Fukushima in Japan and those on sea-going vessels that have sunk like the Thresher and Scorpion submarines; sea-life is radio-active and unsafe to eat. Were it not for short life spans, the suffering of animals and plants would be obvious to all but the most willfully ignorant.
Like manganese, selenium is another element in the periodic table that is required in trace amounts for cell catalysis but is toxic in slightly higher amounts. It is produced by burning coal, among other processes.
Selenium causes garlic breath, intestinal distress, hair loss, fingernail fall-out, and neurological damage. It smells like horse-radish. Who wouldn’t eat horse radish if they smelled it in their food? Cirrhosis of the liver, pulmonary edema, and death are not uncommon.
Selenium is a major component of lithium batteries, photo-copiers, and solar cells. Brazil nuts and peaches, especially those grown in certain soils, are sometimes loaded with selenium.
So far I have mentioned three toxic elements: manganese, cadmium, and selenium. It’s the tip of a ginormous iceberg of poisons.
Does anyone understand that catalytic converters — the five inch diameter by two foot long tubes in exhaust pipes under all cars — have a useful life of only 100,000 miles? A lot of things can wreck converters before a hundred-thousand miles — unburned fuel and leaks of coolant and oil can clog and render useless the pollution reducing power of any converter.
Whether wrecked early or not, a large percentage of cars in cities rely on catalytic converters that are ineffective, because many are old, for one thing. They are supposed to prevent pollutants that induce ADHD, autism, and Alzheimer’s in old folks, babies, children, and the vulnerable — which is everyone who doesn’t wear a face mask.
People in China and Japan wear white face masks. When they blacken, they throw them out and put on new. Who wears face masks in the USA? No one.
Catalytic converters are not working! Look along the curbs of city streets a few days after a heavy snow. It’s a grey-black mess of God knows what. When the snow melts where do the contaminants go that the innocents trusted catalytic converters to soak up?
Isn’t it obvious? The sludge dries to become dust; it blows in the wind; people and animals breathe it in. Animals eat it, because they don’t wash their food.
Environmental contaminants measure in the millions of tons. Workers produce them in factories where they spend their careers trying to avoid the accidents that will poison them and ruin perhaps the rest of their lives.
Few coal miners avoid the miseries of coal toxins — an example that should by now be obvious to anyone who is paying attention. All the old-timers are sick. Visit coal country. Meet these unfortunates.
Go to farms where the run-off from fertilizers contaminates the wells. Only farmers who drink bottled water avoid disease. Go to farm country and look for old men. Ask them about their health issues, if you can find them.
Undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed) people who are sick from toxins do not understand why they suffer from delusional thinking, mood swings, and PTSD-type symptoms. No general tells his battle-hardened soldiers that poison impregnates their ammunition; it’s loaded with spent uranium to make it heavier and more lethal.
Few soldiers on today’s killing fields escape poisoning by the highly toxic materials in their ammunition and the weapons-exhaust that spreads a smoke of poisons on friendly positions during war.
Some soldiers come home terrorized by a fear whose source is unknown to them. Irrational behavior, aggression, spousal abuse, persistent nightmares, even mass shootings are all behaviors that can sometimes be traced back to battlefield poisons, should anyone be brave enough to do the studies that would confirm what anyone with common sense knows is true.
Now might be the time to admit that I’ve found it best to keep essays from becoming overly long; it would take many books to cover the subject of commercial toxins comprehensively.
What follows is a simple list of a few of the elements from the periodic table that are in common use today which are toxic and will kill or debilitate anyone who ingests them. Click on the links to learn more.
- Heavy metals – coal is the biggest source, as well as waste from the mining of less-toxic metals. Toxic heavy metals include lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and chromium. Heavy metals help to populate the list of elements below.
. - Beryllium – no safe level. Used in all kinds of spark-proof tools and in the alloyed metals of outer-space and under-sea vehicles.
. - Chlorine – once used in trench warfare, because it is heavy and clings to the ground. Highly poisonous.
. - Bromine – until recently unregulated, it eats the ozone layer. It can cause psychosis in humans and has other toxic effects. People put it in their swimming pools — and in pesticides, which farmers spray on plants people eat.
. - Cobalt – can be used to safely house “dirty” bombs. During an explosion cobalt debris converts into a deadly isotope that poisons land for decades.
. - Arsenic – a poison unable to be detected until the mid eighteen-hundreds. Referred to in times past as “inheritance powder.”
. - Thallium – another “inheritance powder” that is tasteless and odorless. Before government banned its use in 1972, folks used thallium to poison rats and ants. It contaminates many ores, including zinc. It is a pollutant of cement and coal processing. The skin sucks it into the body like a sponge. Low doses cause hair loss.
. - Strontium – bones and teeth suck up radio-active strontium like vinegar to a sponge. It bursts into flame when exposed to air, which is one reason it’s used in fireworks and roadside flares.
. - Antimony – used by the ancients to make them vomit. They believed purging was a pathway to better health.
. - Tellurium – contact with even the smallest amounts will make a person smell bad for weeks. Miners try to avoid it, often without success.
. - Barium – makes rat poison that is fatal in doses as small as one gram.
. - Cerium – used in the walls of self-cleaning ovens, in cigarette lighters, and in camping lanterns. Commercial grade cerium always contains radioactive thorium. Civilians have been prosecuted for isolating thorium from cerium in vain attempts (thus far) to make atomic bombs.
. - Osmium – an extremely toxic metal that is easily absorbed through the skin when touched. It shreds the lungs and ruins the eyes.
OK. I think this is a list that is sufficient to show that not every naturally occurring element is as safe as, say, nitrogen; probably no element is as safe as nitrogen, which is 78% of the air folks breathe. Of course, anyone who breathes nitrogen without oxygen dies of suffocation in minutes.
Are there other elements in the periodic table that are dangerous to human health? Unfortunately, yes. Most of them are refined in labs and used by the military.
This essay is about elements that the public might encounter at work or from products they buy or use to simply live their lives — like foods or building materials in homes, for example.
The problem is this: thousands of toxic materials are produced from combinations of elements that are sold everywhere to do almost everything. Unless these materials are ruthlessly regulated, pigs who produce and profit by them have proven time and again that they are willing to hurt people — sometime kill them — to get rich.
Whoever heard of a CEO going to prison for poisoning someone? It doesn’t happen.
Some people, after reading an essay like this one, might decide that living is fraught with too many dangers. Life is no longer worth living. Some might ask themselves: is it better to just die and get it over with?
Well, one way that works, I’m told, is to ingest 37 bananas. It’s important to eat the peels as well as the meat. Thirty-seven is apparently the right dose.
Bananas are naturally radioactive; they contain potassium; a lot of people don’t know. Who will tell them? Not only radioactivity, but pesticides like chlorpyrifos coat the peels so that people are less likely to get bit by venomous spiders, which most assuredly would otherwise be hiding in bunches of untreated fruit.
Bananas contain substantial amounts of hydroxytryptamine, a serotonin-like chemical that if improperly dosed or taken with other substances can induce either euphoria or adverse reactions up to and including death.
People hell-bent on successful self-immolation might try eating 38 bananas — one more than necessary — just to be on the safe side.
The practice of blowing oneself up by eating one more banana than necessary is called, bananism. I almost used the term to title this essay.
Billy Lee
Warning by the Editorial Board: Billy Lee recommends that anyone who eats more than twenty bananas a day seek medical attention and psychological counseling. Never eat the peels.