Super Tuesday (1 March 2016) results the billionaire-media didn’t tell us. Here they are:
Hillary Clinton – 3,508,000
Donald Trump – 2,368,000
Ted Cruz – 2,216,000
Bernie Sanders – 2,214,000
Marco Rubio – 1,873,000
Vote totals do not include Alaska and Colorado, where only one party voted.
Results do include, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. These are mostly southern states, where the GOP traditionally dominates.

Hillary Clinton crushed Super Tuesday. She gathered the most votes in Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Virginia.
Bernie Sanders got the most votes in Minnesota, Oklahoma, and Vermont.
Trump took the most votes in Alabama and Tennessee. That’s it. These are Confederate states, people.
Ted Cruz got the most votes in Texas.
So: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote against all the other candidates, both Democratic and Republican, in four states; Bernie Sanders won three; Donald Trump won two; Ted Cruz won one.
The media would make us think Donald Trump is unstoppable. Don’t believe it.
They would tell us Marco Rubio can be a contender. Don’t believe it. He placed a distant fifth, and he failed to win the popular vote in any state, though he won the GOP vote in Minnesota, where Bernie Sanders smothered him by garnering three times his vote total.
In this conservative GOP leaning group of ten states, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders combined to win almost half the total votes cast. This total includes the votes of all the candidates, even Kasich and Carson, as well as several others. The bottom line is this: Hillary received 1.2 million more votes than did Trump in the most politically conservative region of the United States.
She came in second in Texas behind Ted Cruz, where she collected a million votes. Trump fell to a distant third. In fact, in those states that Hillary didn’t win outright, she placed second in every single one except Vermont, where Bernie Sanders got 86% of the vote.
The GOP is in serious trouble. Either Clinton or Sanders (the two Democrats) won the popular vote in seven of the ten states.
Donald Trump is dis-assembling the GOP before our very eyes. This take-down is historic. When it’s over, some say, the GOP will be gone and a new third party will emerge. Billionaires, like New York State’s Michael Bloomberg, have already predicted it. The meltdown of a major political party like the GOP hasn’t happened in any of our lifetimes. History suggests that any third party will be weaker than the party it replaces.
We are going to have a lot of angry people on the right, who are armed to the teeth. History suggests violence is possible. I really hope people will remember that we live in a constitutional republic with democratic elections. Because we are free and brave, violence has no place in our decision-making process.
Billy Lee
Post Script: Click on this link to review Super Tuesday election results. The Editorial Board.