Question some seem to be asking at the moment:
Which side collapses first?
Confusion sets in when folks realize that the USA and its allies are talking about collapse of the Russian economy and military, which they hope will cascade into a meltdown of Russia’s cartels and mob bosses—called Motherland and friends by “President of Russia” Badimire Sputim.
BS doesn’t talk collapse. He talks apocalypse.
Surrender Ukraine or be destroyed.
In his view, no force on Earth can stop what is about to happen. God is on his side, plus he is deploying nukes and hypersonic missiles.
Who is stupid enuf to argue?
The United States views things differently. For one thing, it is fed up with Russia’s current crop of oligarchs, who it regards as thugs.
Anyone guess why?
Well, lots of reasons—here’s three: Russia manipulates the US electorate with bots, which sew chaos to confusion on social media; it gives aid and comfort to a rogue president; it is in bed with more than a few American politicians. Look to Kentucky, anyone who is skeptical.
Ask Thomas Massie, Ron Paul, and Mitch McConnell about shell games played in eastern Kentucky by aluminum processors who seem to be associated with sanctioned oligarchs. How difficult can it be to understand?
Russian media drumbeats into the minds of its public an idea that the Kremlin is not at war with Ukraine at all but instead with NATO and the West, which Russo Talking Heads call SATANISTS. Watch Russian media, anyone who doesn’t believe.
BS sells the fight as spiritual warfare to defend faith and family values. Sound familiar? To a man, priests of the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church push matching narratives. Is it not curious that Iran—run by clerics—agrees? The West is evil. Russia, which everyone knows is “indestructible,” is duty bound to set things right.
Here’s BS: “Once again we see that Nazism in its modern guise creates direct threats to Russia, and we are repeatedly forced to repel aggression of the collective West,” Badimire said on 2 February 2023—anniversary of the Russian victory over Germany during the WW2 Battle of Stalingrad.
BS continued, “Again, we are threatened by German tanks marked by crosses. The hands of Hitler’s followers will again attack Russia on the land of Ukraine.”
BS continued with the ridiculous proclamation that Russia has many friends in North America and Europe. He added, “In any event Russia has weapons that make tanks and armored fighting vehicles irrelevant.”

To avert catastrophe, Church and State in at least two countries have followed Sputim to fight for God and Civilization. Others hesitate. They stand on the sidelines and watch. Some hedge their bets by encouraging BS—secretly, they hope.
Iran, India, China, North Korea—must they wonder, who knows? …Is it possible that when fighting ends, Satanists & Nazis will count Russia’s dead? What are options then?
Only “true believers” are certain of outcomes, right? As for the rest of humanity, no one knows what happens next except God. How confident can realistic thinkers be that events unfold as they hope?
The Bible says, “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.” Proverbs 16:33 NIV

Strange things happen, right? Read history, anyone who doubts.
Meanwhile, the BS plan is to restore the righteous empire of Catherine the Great, whatever the cost in lost treasure and blood. For the past eleven months, top officials led by BS, have threatened western cities and capitals with annihilation, I don’t know, maybe a dozen times? They say they will unleash weapons of war we know nothing about.
All I can say, based on personal experience, is that the USA takes all threats seriously.
I ain’t lyin’.
Until the advent of this particular conflict in Ukraine, didn’t Team USA manage to prevail one way or another every time? Even in Afghanistan, America and its allies turned the country inside out to map every patch of terrain. With modern surveillance and agents left behind, no surprises will likely emerge from that moonscape for decades. With any luck at all, Mission Accomplished.
Who disagrees?
Russian evisceration of Ukraine is a Crusade for Christ’s sake, BS seems to believe. Everyone who studies medieval history knows that in the ancient past Crusaders demanded bloodletting. Some histories say blood flowed in Jerusalem streets knee-deep.
How can leveling cities & murdering innocents be wrong when Christian Crusaders did it? might be the BS way of reasoning.
No way.
Is destroying enemies what modern faith-warriors do?
As for obliterating Ukraine, BS seems to think that he and God are on the same page…!
Imagine the unimaginable. BS destroys planet Earth to save it from the Satanic West and guess what? He goes to Heaven after, when everyone else is dead.
Almost wonderful.
Heaven is prolly full of madmen and killers.
Heaven is where BS wants to live someday, someone said. Maybe he hopes to meet friends and find happiness. To please God, BS will follow the plan, which is to donate gold to repave streets, apparently.
Almost perfect.
Micah 7: 3-6
Both hands are skilled in doing evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire — they all conspire together. The best of them is like a brier, the most upright worse than a thorn hedge. The day God visits you has come, the day your watchmen sound the alarm. Now is the time of your confusion.
Quoted by Jesus in the book of Matthew.
Billy Lee