The Billy Lee Privacy Policy

Even the Pillsbury Doughboy has a privacy policy.
Even the Pillsbury Doughboy has a privacy policy.

Since going live in January 2014, theBillyLeePontificator blog-site has been successfully attacked three times — once by bots representing, ostensibly, disgruntled gays; once by people upset about some essays we posted which defended gay marriage (protestors intimidated Billy Lee into shutting down his site for six weeks — it’s a complicated story); and again during the 2016 presidential contest after Billy Lee endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Hackers took down the site and an anonymous person threatened Billy Lee’s life in a private video message forwarded through Twitter. Site stats suggest that the threat originated somewhere inside the Ukraine. 

Despite fear, we hardened our site and continued publishing. Our intention is to keep website public. Anyone should be able to read an article or post a comment on our blog.

That’s the fun of open discussion, isn’t it? We can argue with one another in a safe place, where we are respected and hopefully appreciated, if not loved.

Regrettably, experience has shown that not everyone can tolerate the controversial nature of some of the content published on the Pontificator. For Billy Lee to continue to write from the heart and with truth, he can’t be looking over his shoulder every time he writes an unusual sentence or paragraph. He wants to write with the excellent tools WordPress provides, so it’s not really possible to move controversial content to another site.

zip-password-protect-extract-dlg_01Because of Billy Lee’s affiliations outside this blog, on certain subjects (like religion) he’s learned he’s not free to present just any content he chooses to the general public. He has obligations to people that transcend his constitutionally protected rights of free speech. And some content has upset some people. 

It seems wise to password-protect content that is likely to annoy certain sub-sets of internet viewers. In this way, Billy Lee can continue to write with enthusiasm, knowing that his family and close friends have access to controversial content while protecting others from their perceived obligation to police him. Think of the password-protected content as his private journal, not available to anyone but trusted confidants.

Having said all this, it is nevertheless upsetting to publish password-protected articles on a public blog-site. It is unseemly, un-democratic, and distressing — at least in the view of us, the Editorial Board. It saps the joy out of pontificating, Billy Lee complains. It makes him want to never write another word, he insists. So much for writing with enthusiasm.

So, after a lot of thought we, the Editorial Board, have decided not to post password-restricted articles. If that means Billy Lee never publishes another article, so be it. No one is ever going to miss an article they’ve never read or even know exists. No one is ever troubled by what they don’t know.

It’s like television — hundreds of channels but nothing on anyone cares to watch. Who ever thinks, gosh, a lot of good stuff is out there, mostly in people’s heads; it’s just not produced on television?

Then again, Billy Lee foresees circumstances — like giving viewers he doesn’t want to offend a password-protected first look — where it might be necessary that we suspend our policy against password-protected articles once in a while. Reasons to violate policies always seem to present themselves. The stress of making rules and then ignoring them diminishes Billy Lee’s ability to write well.

I am experiencing fear, he told us. I thought writing a blog during retirement would be fun. It hasn’t turned out that way. Not yet. So what is it going to be? Will I publish password-protected articles, or not?  I don’t know!

Billy Lee wishes people would leave him alone and just let him write. But traveling that route can lead to writing needlessly offensive articles. It can lead to broken affiliations and fewer friends. He doesn’t want that. Who does?

Well… enough hand-wringing. Let’s move on.

privacy policy
We don’t publish last names or email addresses unless you tell us to.

Many readers will be happy to learn that the Pontificator does not publish last names or e-mail addresses unless you happen to be a public person, like an author or politician, for example.  We respect your privacy, but we hope you will include your full name and email address when you post comments.

Our avatar program assigns unique icons to your posts using this information. Once approved, we remove all personally identifiable information, like last names and email addresses, unless you make a point to ask to include them.

Practically speaking, this site is for family and friends. It has a tiny readership by internet standards, and Billy Lee is fine with that — even if we, his Editorial Board, are not.

We aren’t trying to change the world, though it may seem like it at times. We are trying to come to terms with it — the world and all its apparent shortcomings, its wonders and joys.

All Visitors Welcome
Sometimes aliens aren’t polite. Once they learn the ways of humans, they are welcome, too.

If you are not family or friend, we hope you will enjoy your status as a welcomed visitor and behave as you might expect those who visit a site you built for your family and friends. We believe everyone wants to be polite, considerate, and tolerant of idiosyncrasies. We forget sometimes, when we feel strong emotions provoked by unfettered opinions. We’re human, after all.

Yes, Billy Lee likes to pontificate. It’s who he is. He likes to express his opinions about things he sometimes know nothing about — and wax eloquent on the human condition, politics, religion, philosophy, science, whatever. Nothing written on the Pontificator is written in stone. Everything changes as he grows in knowledge and we force him to refine his understanding of whatever is before him. 

You may find yourself in disagreement with a post or comment found here. We invite you to pontificate about it yourself by posting a comment of your own.

We review all comments to make sure they’re from humans and are written in English or French, the two languages Billy Lee can read. If you are a human writing in French or English, we will post your comment.

PG rating
We strive for PG. Sometimes we fail.

Keep in mind the Pontificator has a PG rating policy. And yes, we ourselves have violated the policy once or twice. Speak freely. We encourage it. And permit Billy Lee to speak freely, as well. It’s how we organize our thinking, achieve new insights, and move forward to become better human beings.

The Billy Lee Pontificator Editorial Board

Editors Note: on July 1, 2015 Billy Lee resigned his memberships in all organizations that tried to control content on his blog-site.

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The Billy Lee Process

Over two million people write and publish blogs on a regular basis in the United States. Each writer has their method and process. Some make a living from their blogs. They operate wide-open sites and try to boost readership to sell ads or products. Others restrict access by requiring membership and a pass-code to get in. They operate like fraternities or secret clubs. My blog is wide open, but I don't sell ads or products. My focus is about sharing ideas and absurdities for fun. As long as I have a readership of two people I'm going to continue. I should mention that not long after I launched my blog a swarm of Asian bots from the women's apparel industry attacked my site, so I've had to add two minor restrictions. First, each comment is reviewed before posting---to make sure it's from a real person; and, second, we make sure comments are written in English or French, the two languages I can read. Otherwise, everyone comments freely. If your c...

Vacation Policy

VACATION POLICY Until further notice, our entire staff of dedicated employees, sycophants, and apple-polishers will take their annual vacations during the month of June and the first half of July. This policy includes the Editorial Board.  Vacations will be unpaid. For the benefit of those in our organization who are hard of hearing, let me repeat. VACATIONS ARE UNPAID !!! It should be apparent to all but the most disgruntled that the unpaid nature of these vacations is more than compensated for by the generosity of their duration. Billy Lee Notice to readers: During the Pontificator Staff vacation period, folks may continue to visit our site and post comments. Please allow up to six weeks for comment approval.

How to Use this Site

EDITORS' NOTE: JUNE  1, 2023 We told Billy Lee to rewrite site instructions. It's irritating to review crap that no longer makes sense. He seems to think people figured out his blog "a long time ago". Sites change; readers evolve, he said. It's not that difficult. Do EDITORS think his readers are total idiots? Really? Get over it, he screamed.   We caution readers: "How to Use This Site" is shit. Don't waste your time.  Readers who arrive at Billy Lee's website by clicking on a link provided by a search-engine site like Google Search might on rare occasions find themselves on a part of the site they didn't expect; they might see the words "NOT FOUND". Not to worry; nothing is wrong that can't be fixed by clicking on the HOME link in the ribbon that runs across the top of the page. Clicking the HOME page link sets all things right.  Over the years, attacks required re-indexing and renaming of links to clean up hacks. The debris left behind is not possible to clean over ever...


Sometimes a fully dressed article is too much, but a naked tweet isn't enough. I've come up with an alternative the Editorial Board calls, SPEEDOS. Speedos are short pontifications. Like their namesake, the scanty swimsuit, they should be brief and colorful. And, like the Speedos worn on beaches, they can sometimes seem out of place and inappropriate. If anyone has a "speedo" they feel like sharing, transcribe it in the Comment Box and, if it meets the high standards of the Pontificator, we will publish it. Newest speedos will be displayed first, so they are easy to find. Check back from time to time for the latest shorts and briefs---posted here---on Speedos. Billy Lee Why Does Hi-IQ Intelligence Exist Only in the Species Human? May 6, 2019  EDITORS NOTE:  A follower posed the question on  Billy Lee -- enamored by love for his illegitimate son -- asked Billy Lee Junior to take a stab at the answer and place it on the SPEEDOS page -- over strenuous objections by...

Message Board

This space is for messages, announcements and appeals.  It's for everyone. Scroll to the end of the messages to put your message in the comments box at the bottom of this page. After approval, your message will appear first in the list. Reminder: messages are reviewed before they are posted to make sure they are from real people, not bots. If you are a real person, it is the official policy of the Billy Lee Pontificator to post your message or comment.  Editorial Board                          

Who is Billy Lee?

Billy Lee is a former machine design engineer, career Navy kid, anti-War activist, Francophile, amateur Egyptologist, math/physics hobbyist, and university grad. He loves British-style Blues guitarists (like Joe Bonamassa & Jean-Pierre von Dach). Whenever possible, he fights the good fight to not consume mass quantities of Kroger cherry pies or their chocolate chip cookies; Philadelphia cream cheese glop-spread on any crackers he can find; Little Caesar's $6 pizzas---slathered with Crazy Sauce; also, Crazy Richard's nutty peanut butter on brown bread soaked in Bonne Maman cherry preserves; and low-fat cottage cheese made crunchy with lightly-salted Lay's Potato Chips smashed in.  Married to Bevy Mae, Billy Lee is father to six adult children---three bio and three in-grafted---and grandpa to thirteen grandkids, including two born in Ethiopia.  Billy Lee is a Christian who loves Joe, Hillary, and Brittney. Billy Lee is a lifelong pontificator who believes that civilizatio...

4 Replies to “The Billy Lee Privacy Policy”

  1. The world is full of aggressive silencers on things they don’t agree. I have found no one who understands the clackian ability to debate with passion and not let it affect the personal relationship. Welcome to the hostile environment of the suppressors of free speech.

    1. Freedom to write and speak is delicate. It breaks easy, sometimes with bad results. That’s why we protected it in our Constitution. The joy of living is diminished by its suppression. Thank you for your post. I heard the irony.

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