The Billy Lee Process

Even the Pillsbury Doughboy has a blog.
Even the Pillsbury Doughboy has a blog.

Over two million people write and publish blogs on a regular basis in the United States. Each writer has their method and process. Some make a living from their blogs. They operate wide-open sites and try to boost readership to sell ads or products.

Others restrict access by requiring membership and a pass-code to get in. They operate like fraternities or secret clubs.

My blog is wide open, but I don’t sell ads or products. My focus is about sharing ideas and absurdities for fun. As long as I have a readership of two people I’m going to continue.

robot swarm
Asian Bots

I should mention that not long after I launched my blog a swarm of Asian bots from the women’s apparel industry attacked my site, so I’ve had to add two minor restrictions. First, each comment is reviewed before posting—to make sure it’s from a real person; and, second, we make sure comments are written in English or French, the two languages I can read. Otherwise, everyone comments freely. If your comment doesn’t go up right away, wait a few hours. It will be posted soon enough.

If you are family or friend and decide to change or take down your comment after you’ve posted, e-mail me your request and it will be done.

zip-password-protect-extract-dlg_01One more concern: Because of my affiliations outside of this blog, on certain subjects (like religion) I’ve learned I’m not really free to present just any content I choose to the general public. From time to time readers may encounter password-protected content. This content is being reviewed by people I respect for its suitability for public viewing.

Consider this content part of my private journal. As with any private journal, the contents are limited to close confidants only. Please ignore it and take no offense. You wouldn’t expect me to read your private journals either, I hope.

If the content is appropriate for public viewing, the password protections will come off, soon enough. Otherwise, so as not to unduly torment folks about what they might be missing, the protected article will be removed; again, soon enough.

Note: In April, 2015, Billy Lee ended affiliations with organizations that might censor him.  The Editorial Board

Editors Note: On July 1, 2015, The Editorial Board unanimously decided to no longer post password protected content on the Billy Lee Pontificator site.

As for my process…

I think about a piece—sometimes for several days—before I write it. Once it’s written and the piece seems reasonably coherent, it’s published. Then I announce it through Facebook and Twitter.

After a good night’s sleep I re-read it.

blog tips
                       I don’t do this.

It is at this point I invariably recognize that what I’ve written is a confused mess—I left out the graphics or forgot to add links to Wikipedia or other good sources; there is too much passive voice and inappropriate punctuation; attempts at humor make me sound like a jerk instead of a sage; correct adjectives are on the wrong nouns; sentence structures are muddled; ideas lack clarity. Ouch. Nine times out of ten I have a panic-attack, after which I go into over-drive to straighten it all out.

A few days or so later, either because I’m exhausted or deluded, I triumphantly decide the piece is finished and set it aside. Perhaps weeks later—what the heck—I might update it again.

My blog is alive. When new information comes along that adds value, I add it—sometimes months later. People can revisit essays and find added content to further enhance their understanding of whatever topics they find interesting.

According to readership stats, it’s possible that no one has ever read a finished article on my blog. It might be true that no one has ever finished an article, either. Some essays get kind of long-winded, if you know what I mean. I’m not proud of it.

The upside is this: each time a reader revisits an essay a chance exists that it will read better than before; odds are it will unveil more surprises and controversies. The chance is that the essay will  be more dense — packed with additional nuggets, gems, and tidbits.

The chance might be one in a million, yes — sometimes — but it’s why The Editors insist that every fan of the Pontificator check back now and again for new content.   

Billy Lee

The Editorial Board enforces restrictions on the sharing of content from our website. Refer to the last paragraph on the page How to Use this Site to learn about the consequences people experience from illegal sharing.

Downloading or copying original content from is strictly forbidden. Our intent is for content to be read on the web-site and no where else. Violators will be sued.

Sharing links that take readers to our web-site is fine. We encourage it. 

The Billy Lee Pontificator Editorial Board

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Who is Billy Lee?

Billy Lee is a former machine design engineer, career Navy kid, anti-War activist, Francophile, amateur Egyptologist, math/physics hobbyist, and university grad. He loves British-style Blues guitarists (like Joe Bonamassa & Jean-Pierre von Dach). Whenever possible, he fights the good fight to not consume mass quantities of Kroger cherry pies or their chocolate chip cookies; Philadelphia cream cheese glop-spread on any crackers he can find; Little Caesar's $6 pizzas---slathered with Crazy Sauce; also, Crazy Richard's nutty peanut butter on brown bread soaked in Bonne Maman cherry preserves; and low-fat cottage cheese made crunchy with lightly-salted Lay's Potato Chips smashed in.  Married to Bevy Mae, Billy Lee is father to six adult children---three bio and three in-grafted---and grandpa to thirteen grandkids, including two born in Ethiopia.  Billy Lee is a Christian who loves Joe, Hillary, and Brittney. Billy Lee is a lifelong pontificator who believes that civilizatio...

The Billy Lee SEO Policy

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Vacation Policy

VACATION POLICY Until further notice, our entire staff of dedicated employees, sycophants, and apple-polishers will take their annual vacations during the month of June and the first half of July. This policy includes the Editorial Board.  Vacations will be unpaid. For the benefit of those in our organization who are hard of hearing, let me repeat. VACATIONS ARE UNPAID !!! It should be apparent to all but the most disgruntled that the unpaid nature of these vacations is more than compensated for by the generosity of their duration. Billy Lee Notice to readers: During the Pontificator Staff vacation period, folks may continue to visit our site and post comments. Please allow up to six weeks for comment approval.

The Billy Lee Privacy Policy

Since going live in January 2014, theBillyLeePontificator blog-site has been successfully attacked three times -- once by bots representing, ostensibly, disgruntled gays; once by people upset about some essays we posted which defended gay marriage (protestors intimidated Billy Lee into shutting down his site for six weeks -- it's a complicated story); and again during the 2016 presidential contest after Billy Lee endorsed Hillary Clinton. Hackers took down the site and an anonymous person threatened Billy Lee's life in a private video message forwarded through Twitter. Site stats suggest that the threat originated somewhere inside the Ukraine.  Despite fear, we hardened our site and continued publishing. Our intention is to keep website public. Anyone should be able to read an article or post a comment on our blog. That's the fun of open discussion, isn't it? We can argue with one another in a safe place, where we are respected&...


Sometimes a fully dressed article is too much, but a naked tweet isn't enough. I've come up with an alternative the Editorial Board calls, SPEEDOS. Speedos are short pontifications. Like their namesake, the scanty swimsuit, they should be brief and colorful. And, like the Speedos worn on beaches, they can sometimes seem out of place and inappropriate. If anyone has a "speedo" they feel like sharing, transcribe it in the Comment Box and, if it meets the high standards of the Pontificator, we will publish it. Newest speedos will be displayed first, so they are easy to find. Check back from time to time for the latest shorts and briefs---posted here---on Speedos. Billy Lee Why Does Hi-IQ Intelligence Exist Only in the Species Human? May 6, 2019  EDITORS NOTE:  A follower posed the question on  Billy Lee -- enamored by love for his illegitimate son -- asked Billy Lee Junior to take a stab at the answer and place it on the SPEEDOS page -- over strenuous objections by...


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4 Replies to “The Billy Lee Process”

  1. Nothing is ever finished …
    Do make it a work in progress instead … a living organism … in the present …
    Open book …
    Transparent …

    As it’s happening …

  2. No. It should be finished when you post. No one in today’s busy world or any other world has the time to proof read your work for you. And no one is coming back to find new “nuggets” in a piece that wasn’t interesting the first time around.

    1. No one likes the way pickle relish, hot dogs, and sausage are made, once they see for themselves. But they still eat them. Since my blog isn’t for sale and is about ideas which can change during an open discussion, my process is what it is and will probably continue. But I pledge to present more polished articles in the future. I’m not a professional writer or blog host. And I’m an old geezer to boot. My feeling is the articles have value whatever state they are in. But in deference to your concerns, Micah, from now on I will try to write first drafts that will stand the tests of time.

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