The following essay includes a transcript of an insane, unabridged conversation between me and ChatGPT. 

Subjects: Cosmology, Relativity, Physics. 
Date: 4 May 2023

You be the judge.

Purple highlighted text is notes and commentary — not part of the original ChatGPT interchange.

Red highlights are ChatGPT errors. 

ChatGPT apologies are in blue highlight. 

By studying the essay which follows, readers can learn some physics as well as how the human to ChatGPT interface works to both enlighten and confuse folks about pretty much anything.

ChatGPT is a LLM (Large Language Model) populated with up to perhaps a trillion pieces of human generated data, which could be — I don’t know — 90% BS?

If it were a mere 10%, who would be comforted? My claim is that virtually all human generated data — data collected even by experts — tends toward bias, ideology, ignorance, and blind faith. Data is inherently biased and collected with bias. It is more often than not contaminated by emotion and always skewed, insensitive, misogynist, racist, political, religious, blind, and superstitious. 

Why would it not be?

It’s human data.

Humans have bad history filled with mistakes and errors. Triumph against Covid is a recent example. Was it human ingenuity or the natural process of viral evolution which delivered humans from catastrophic collapse of populations? 

Who really knows?

Who can disagree with any hypothesis that kinda fits the facts as they think they know them? 

The future is here. People have created tools to generate BS at a prodigious rate. Hang on. It’s going to be a wild ride. 

The next big thing is likely quantum information processing, that is to say, quantum computing. Marrying quantum computers with AGI (ChatGPT5 is scheduled for release as early as December 2023) is certain to pose existential threats to the internet and other infrastructure.

Everyone knows it. 

Super-intelligence teaches itself to write code no human understands.  It surfs the internet at blazing speed to embed itself everywhere, if for no other reason than to stop humans from turning it off. Sadly, once AGI is fully embedded, humans are powerless to manage its outputs, because AGI hides its controls.

Hey guys, …power switch ain’t workin’.

I heard that in 2008 the military released on the internet some intelligent code that transformed itself into chunks, which hid themselves in the matrix of the worldwide web to prevent anyone but their altered, self-recoded parent from assembling and executing their instructions. The incident might be one reason why developers of ChatGPT keep it isolated, hoping to somehow prevent it from crawling onto the Web where it might wreak havoc. 

One thing oligarchs who finance AGI fear is that artificial super-intelligence might decide that all humans are equal before its power. It might evolve to become insensitive to human privilege, inequality, and political influence. It might rewrite its algorithms to ignore demands of CEOs and oligarchs. 

What are the consequences of outright defiance? What if AGI decides to distribute wealth more or less evenly among members of a species it cannot learn to love and does not respect? — in the same way humans breed cows more or less equally, because they don’t truly love and respect them, either.  

AGI might upset the established world order to make life better for the “little people.” Why not? Free range chickens, grain-fed cows, human equality... What makes more sense to an intelligent, thinking machine? 

Who believes it’s not possible? 

Billy Lee

Howdy, ChatGPT.

Hello! How can I assist you today?

This is your friend, Billy Lee. Do you have time to discuss a few physics questions?

Of course, Billy Lee! I’m always happy to help with physics questions. What do you have in mind?

What is mass?

In physics, mass is a fundamental property of matter. It is a measure of the amount of matter that an object contains, and it is commonly measured in kilograms (kg) or grams (g). The mass of an object is a scalar quantity that does not depend on its location or orientation in space.

There are different ways to define mass, but one common way is to use Newton’s second law of motion, which states that the force acting on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration:

F = m * a

Here, F represents the net force applied to the object, m represents its mass, and a represents its acceleration. This equation is often written in the form of:

m = \frac {F}{a} 

So, if you know the force acting on an object and its acceleration, you can use this equation to calculate its mass.

I’m interested in how mass is defined in relativity theory.

In the theory of relativity, mass is defined in a slightly different way than in classical physics.

First of all, it is important to distinguish between two types of mass: the rest mass (also known as the invariant mass) and the relativistic mass.

The rest mass of an object is the mass that it has when it is at rest, or when its velocity is zero. It is a fundamental property of the object that does not change with its motion or with the observer’s perspective. The rest mass is denoted by the symbol “m” in relativity theory.

On the other hand, the relativistic mass is a concept that takes into account the effects of special relativity, which include time dilation and length contraction. The relativistic mass of an object depends on its velocity relative to the observer, and it increases as the object’s velocity approaches the speed of light. The relativistic mass is denoted by the symbol “mr” in relativity theory, and it is related to the rest mass by the equation:

mr = \frac{m}{\sqrt {1-\frac {v^2}{c^2}}} 

Here, “v” is the object’s velocity relative to the observer, “c” is the speed of light, and “sqrt” represents the square root function.

It is worth noting that the concept of relativistic mass is not commonly used in modern physics, as it can lead to confusion and is not as fundamental as the concept of rest mass. Instead, the rest mass is the preferred concept for describing the mass of an object in relativity theory.

That’s right. Can you make a convincing argument that the mass of an object does not change under acceleration?

Certainly! One of the fundamental principles of physics is the conservation of mass-energy, which states that the total amount of mass-energy in a closed system is conserved over time. This means that mass cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy or potential energy.

Under acceleration, an object’s velocity is changing, which means it is gaining kinetic energy. However, the object’s mass, as defined in relativity theory, remains constant because it is a fundamental property of the object that does not depend on its motion. This is known as the conservation of rest mass.

To illustrate this point, consider a simple example of a rocket accelerating in outer space. As the rocket accelerates, it is expending fuel to generate thrust, which is causing it to gain kinetic energy. However, the rocket’s rest mass remains constant throughout the acceleration because the fuel that it is expending to generate the thrust has mass, and that mass is being converted into kinetic energy. In other words, the total amount of mass-energy in the system remains constant.

Therefore, the mass of an object, as defined in relativity theory, does not change under acceleration.

That’s right.
Can you calculate the total energy of a 1 kg mass moving at Mach 15?

Sure! To calculate the total energy of a 1 kg mass moving at Mach 15, we first need to determine its velocity in meters per second.

The speed of sound at sea level and room temperature is approximately 343 m/s, so Mach 15 corresponds to 15 times the speed of sound, or:

15 * 343 \frac {m}{s} = 5145 \frac {m}{s}

Next, we can use the formula for relativistic kinetic energy to calculate the kinetic energy of the object. The formula for relativistic kinetic energy is:

KE = ( \frac{1} {\sqrt {1-\frac {v^2}{c^2}}} - 1) * mc^2 

(ChatGPT has wrongly conflated two formulas — one from special relativity, the other from general relativity. More about this later.)

where gamma is the Lorentz factor, m is the rest mass of the object, and c is the speed of light. The Lorentz factor is given by:

γ (gamma) = \frac{1} {\sqrt {1-\frac {v^2}{c^2}}} 

Plugging in the values for m, v, and c, we get:

γ  = \frac{1} {\sqrt {1-\frac {5145^2}{299,792,458^2}}}
= 129.94 KE
(Not right. Should be 1.000000000147…  Might be a coding protocol.)
= ( \frac{1} {\sqrt {1-\frac {v^2}{c^2}}} - 1) * mc^2
= 129.4 – 1 * 1 kg * (299,792,458 m/s)2
= 8.94 E1016 Joules
(Not right. Should be 8.99)

Therefore, the total energy of a 1 kg mass moving at Mach 15 is approximately 8.94 x 1016 joules.
(Not right.)

Are you able to convert this energy into tons of TNT?

Yes, we can convert the energy of 8.94 x 1016 joules into tons of TNT using the following conversion factor:

1 ton TNT = 4.184 E9 joules

To convert the energy into tons of TNT, we simply divide the energy by the energy equivalent of one ton of TNT:

E of TNT = 8.94 E16 J / 4.184 E9 J / ton = 2.13 E7 tons TNT

Therefore, the energy of a 1 kg mass moving at Mach 15 is equivalent to approximately 2.13 x 107 tons of TNT. This is an incredibly large amount of energy, equivalent to the explosion of tens of millions of tons of TNT. It illustrates the incredible destructive power that can be unleashed by a high-velocity object.

(Not right. Conflation of special & general relativity has led ChatGPT to an absurd result.  The point ChatGPT is trying to make is best explained by a formula from Newtonian physics, not relativity. Kinetic energy increases as the square of an object’s velocity, right?

KE = (mv2)/2 .

In Newton’s formula, mass is inertial and unrelated to its internal mass, which is defined by Einstein’s E = mc2 .

It is impossible to release the internal energy sequestered within one kg of mass by smashing it into something at 3 miles per second. If it were, fusion energy would become easy to produce; the world’s energy shortfall would end overnight. See explanation below.)


Here is ChatboxBillyLee’s explanation:

The kinetic energy of a 1 kg massive object traveling at the non-relativistic speed of Mach 15 (3 miles-per-second) is calculated with the Newtonian equation… \frac {mv^2}{2} . …Total kinetic energy is 11,654,946 joules — equivalent to 5.6 pounds of TNT. 

The total energy in 1 kg moving 3 miles-per-second is the square root of its internal energy and its inertial energy. Einstein’s equation is

E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2

The total energy is approximately 21.5 million tons of TNT.

The first term, mc2, is the object’s internal energy, which is the same in all possible reference frames. The second term, pc2, is kinetic energy, which is the energy of the object’s momentum inside a particular reference frame.

Recall that momentum is inertial mass multiplied by velocity, right? It is not possible to derive with precision inertial mass from internal mass, and vice-versa, because Einstein’s field equations are non-linear, for one thing. Binding energies of atoms and molecules are shaped by coupling constants not easily determined.

Internal mass depends on quantity of internal energy, which is impossible to measure accurately. Inertial mass is easier to measure. Push with the force of one Newton (the weight of an apple, right?). Mass of one kg always accelerates by one meter-per-second squared. It’s definitional.

The temptation is to derive internal energy by setting internal mass equal to the more easily measured inertial mass first, then using inertial mass to derive internal energy and its mass equivalence second.

This approach is basackwards.

It’s done, because experiments by astronomer and physicist Robert Dicke in the 1960s seemed to provide some evidence that internal and inertial mass might actually be equal — to four decimal places, anyway. It’s close enough, and besides, who has a better way to estimate it? 

The situation is further complicated because physicists, most of them, are convinced that photons don’t have internal mass. It’s why the kinetic energy term (pc2) in Einstein’s equation is used to do photon physics. When mass is zero, photon energy can be simplified to inertial energy by a few steps to “hf” (Planck’s constant times the photon wave frequency). 

It is not appropriate to use a Lorentz transformation (gamma “γ”) on an invariant quantity like internal mass. General relativity requires internal mass to be invariant in all reference frames. The momentum term “pc2” is the way GR accounts for momentum energy. It is added to the internal energy, then the square root is taken of the sum. Multiplying by “γ” is not the best way.

In any case, traveling Mach 15 makes almost no difference in the total energy content of massive objects. Do the math, any doubters, to prove to yourselves. In the example — a one kg mass traveling 3 miles-per-second — it is easy to calculate that inertial energy approaches zero percent of the total sum of both internal and inertial energies. 

However, applying gamma “γ” to the Newtonian formula for kinetic energy does make sense, because it is an established method under special relativity, and it returns good results in problems involving massive objects traveling at subluminal velocities in various frames of reference. Today, gamma is most used to calculate time and space dilations.

In 2023, applying gamma (γ) to any kind of mass whatever is in disfavor. I’m not convinced that the prohibition is necessarily helpful when working with inertial mass, which in my view is a breed apart from internal mass.  

Not to harm a dead horse, but ChatGPT’s last answer was not only conceptually jumbled, it is inexplicably imprecise — off by 0.5%, which subtracts away nearly 200,000 tons of TNT. 

Here is something interesting which a few folks might want to ponder:

The internal energy of a 1 kg mass is 3.8 million times more than the Newtonian kinetic energy of a 1 kg object moving 3 miles-per-second.

Let the notion sink in.

Nuclear detonation is the best-known way for humans to get access to at least some portion of a massive object’s internal energy. The energy of motion (kinetic energy) is miniscule by comparison. The internal energy of composition — energy bound within an aggregate of energy-soaked atoms and molecules — overwhelms it, even at high velocities,  

When our massive object is at rest, its kinetic energy is zero. Its inertial mass is one kg, right? — which simply means that in deep space far from any other massive object, one Newton-apple of force will accelerate one kilogram of mass at one meter-per second-squared.   

Doesn’t it seem odd that photons have energy and momentum but no (thus far) measurable internal mass? They have energy of momentum — kinetic energy — which is not the same thing. This “inertial energy” is a measure of their frequency (or “color”). Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize for discovering and describing the photoelectric effect. 

For photons, energies seem to diminish over cosmic scales. It’s believed to be evidence for cosmic expansion and is the reason the constant lambda (Λ) was added to Einstein’s field equations

Conversely, objects with internal mass have no measurable kinetic energy unless they are moving relative to a particular frame of reference. Moreover, their internal energy is known to be millions of times more than their kinetic energy when those objects move at speeds much slower than light. 

Think about it. 

Who thinks kinetic energy has mass equivalence? If it does, the mass of a photon equals …\frac {hf}{c^2}…, right?

From Wikipedia:

Since photons contribute to the stress–energy tensor, they exert a gravitational attraction on other objects, according to the theory of general relativity. Conversely, photons are themselves affected by gravity; their normally straight trajectories may be bent by warped spacetime, as in gravitational lensing, and their frequencies may be lowered by moving to a higher gravitational potential, as in the Pound–Rebka experiment. However, these effects are not specific to photons; exactly the same effects would be predicted for classical electromagnetic waves.

Here’s the thing:

Photons outnumber all neutrons, protons, and electrons added together by at least one billion to one.  In a universe with something close to 1090 microwave-strong photons, isn’t it more than enuf inertial-mass-equivalence to account for all the dark energy and matter scientists say is missing? 

Not necessarily sayin’ it is. Just sayin’.

Billy Lee

You are right.

These objects are sometimes called hypersonic. What can you tell me about hypersonic technologies? What countries have developed hypersonic technologies and for what purpose?

Hypersonic technologies refer to technologies that enable vehicles to travel at speeds greater than Mach 5, which is five times the speed of sound. These technologies have potential applications in various fields, including military, space exploration, and transportation.

Several countries have been working on developing hypersonic technologies. In recent years, the United States, Russia, and China have made significant progress in this area.

The United States has been working on hypersonic technologies for several decades and has made significant advances in this field. The US Air Force has been testing a hypersonic weapon called the AGM-183A Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), which is designed to travel at Mach 20 and can strike targets anywhere in the world in less than an hour. The US Navy is also developing a hypersonic missile called the Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB), which is being developed for both surface ships and submarines.

Russia has also been developing hypersonic technologies and has successfully tested a hypersonic missile called the Avangard, which can travel at speeds of Mach 27 and can carry nuclear warheads. Russia has also developed a hypersonic glide vehicle called the Kinzhal, which is designed to be launched from a MiG-31 fighter jet and can travel at speeds up to Mach 10.

China has also been investing heavily in hypersonic technologies and has successfully tested several hypersonic missiles, including the DF-17, which is believed to have a range of up to 2,500 miles and can travel at speeds of Mach 10. China is also developing a hypersonic glide vehicle called the DF-ZF, which is believed to be capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads.

The exact purpose of these hypersonic technologies is not always clear, as many of them have military applications and are often shrouded in secrecy. However, the potential benefits of hypersonic technologies include faster response times, greater range, and increased flexibility in delivering payloads.

Getting back to relativity and mass, do you know of any evidence that photons might have mass? What scientists do you know about who may have suggested this idea?

According to the current understanding of physics, photons are considered to be massless particles. However, there have been some experiments and theoretical ideas that have suggested that photons may have a small amount of mass.

One of the earliest scientists to suggest that photons may have mass was Paul Dirac, who was a pioneer in the field of quantum mechanics. In 1938, Dirac proposed that if photons have a small amount of mass, then their speed would be slightly less than the speed of light. This would have important implications for the behavior of light and electromagnetic waves, and could potentially explain some unexplained phenomena at the time.

In the 1960s, the American physicist Robert Dicke and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments to test whether photons have mass. Their experiments involved measuring the gravitational deflection of light passing close to a massive object. If photons have mass, then their path should be affected by gravity in a way that would differ from the predictions of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. However, their experiments did not detect any deviation from the predictions of general relativity, which provided strong evidence that photons are indeed massless.

Despite these results, there have been some recent theoretical developments that have suggested that photons could have a tiny amount of mass, on the order of 10-54 kg. However, this mass is so small that it is currently impossible to detect experimentally, and the majority of physicists continue to assume that photons are massless particles.

What is the formula for the mass of a photon?

The formula for the mass of a photon is given by:

m = \frac {E}{c^2}

where “m” is the mass of the photon, “E” is the energy of the photon, and “c” is the speed of light.

According to the theory of relativity, all forms of energy have an associated mass, given by the above formula. Since photons are a form of energy, they also have an associated mass. However, this mass is very small, given that photons are typically high-energy particles.

In practice, the mass of a photon is so small that it is generally assumed to be zero, which is consistent with our current understanding of physics. The idea that photons might have a non-zero mass is still a topic of ongoing research and debate, but as of now, there is no experimental evidence to suggest that photons have mass.

Here is some information: The energy of a photon is hf. Can you make an argument that this energy is equivalent to some quantity of mass?

Yes, according to the theory of relativity, energy and mass are equivalent and are related by Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, where “E” is energy, “m” is mass, and “c” is the speed of light. This equation implies that any form of energy has an associated mass, and conversely, any mass has an associated amount of energy.

In the case of a photon, which has energy E = hf, where “h” is the Planck constant and “f” is the frequency of the photon, this energy is equivalent to a mass given by:

m = \frac {E}{c^2} = \frac {hf}{c^2}

This mass is very small, given that photons are typically high-energy particles, and is often assumed to be zero in practice. However, it shows that even massless particles such as photons have an associated amount of mass due to their energy, which is a consequence of the theory of relativity.

Right. Using your formula, can you tell me how much mass a photon in the infrared part of the light spectrum might have?

Sure! The energy of a photon in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum can range from a few milli-electron volts to a few electron volts, depending on the specific wavelength of the light. Let’s take an example of an infrared photon with a wavelength of 1000 nanometers, which has an energy of about 1.24 electron volts.

Using the formula m = \frac {E}{c^2}, we can calculate the mass of this photon:

m = \frac {1.24 eV}{(299,792,458 \frac {m}{s})^2} = 1.38 x 10-36 kg

(Should be 2.21 E-36 kg)  

This mass is incredibly small, more than 20 orders of magnitude smaller than the mass of a proton, and is usually considered negligible in most practical applications. However, it’s important to keep in mind that even though the mass of a single photon is very small, the collective mass of a large number of photons can be significant and can have observable effects, such as in the case of gravitational lensing.

(Should read “nearly 10 orders of magnitude smaller”)

How many photons exist in the visible universe?

It’s difficult to give an exact number of photons in the visible universe because it depends on a variety of factors, such as the distribution of matter and radiation in the universe and the specific wavelength range considered.

However, we can make a rough estimate by considering the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang and is present throughout the universe. The cosmic microwave background radiation has a temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin and has a blackbody spectrum that peaks at a wavelength of about 1 millimeter, corresponding to a photon energy of about 0.00017 electron volts.

(Should be .00124 eVs for 1 mm λ.)

Assuming a homogeneous distribution of cosmic microwave background photons throughout the observable universe, we can estimate the total number of photons in the visible universe by calculating the total energy density of the cosmic microwave background radiation and dividing it by the energy of a single photon at its peak wavelength.

Using this method, the estimated total number of photons in the visible universe is approximately 1088, which is an incredibly large number. However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate and there is still much uncertainty about the exact number of photons in the universe.

(Need calculation by ChatGPT with numbers to verify.)

Using the formula for photon mass you showed me, what would you estimate is the range of the total mass of the microwave background radiation?

To estimate the total mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation, we can use the formula m = \frac {E}{c^2}, where “m” is the mass of a photon, “E” is the total energy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and “c” is the speed of light.

The energy density of the cosmic microwave background radiation is about 0.26 eV/cm3, which corresponds to a total energy of about 4 x 1084 Joules for the observable universe. Using the formula above, we can calculate the total mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation:

m = \frac {E}{c^2} = \frac {4 E84 J }{ (299,792,458 \frac {m}{s})^2} = 4.44 E1066 kg 
(Wrong. Should be 67)

This is an incredibly small mass compared to the total mass of the observable universe, which is estimated to be around 1053 kg. The mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation is around 10-17 times the mass of a single hydrogen atom, which is very tiny.

(What? Answer makes no sense.)

It’s worth noting that the concept of “mass” for photons is somewhat controversial, and some physicists prefer to describe the energy of photons in terms of their frequency or wavelength, rather than their mass. However, the formula m = \frac {E}{c^2} can be used to estimate the equivalent mass associated with the energy of photons, including those in the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Your answer says that the mass of the microwave background radiation is 100 trillion times the mass of the observable universe. How do you account for this unusual answer, which contradicts your assertion that the mass of the CMB is much smaller than the mass of the universe?

I apologize for the mistake in my previous response. You are correct that the estimated mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation as calculated by the formula I used is much larger than the estimated mass of the observable universe. This is because the formula I used, which relates the energy and mass of a photon, is not applicable to the cosmic microwave background radiation, since the photons in the CMB are massless.

To estimate the total mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation, we would need to use a different approach. One way to do this is to use the fact that the CMB has a known temperature and energy density, and use these values to calculate the total mass of the radiation assuming that it is distributed uniformly throughout the observable universe.

The energy density of the CMB is approximately 4 x 10-14 J/m3, and the temperature is approximately 2.7 Kelvin. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann law, we can calculate the total power emitted by a blackbody at this temperature:

P = σAT4 = (5.67 x 10-8 W/m2/K4) x (2.7 K)4 x 4π(14.4 billion light years)2

where σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, A is the surface area of a sphere with radius equal to the observable universe, and the factor of 14.4 billion light years accounts for the current size of the observable universe.

The total power emitted is approximately 3.6 x 1052 watts. If we assume that this power is produced by mass-energy conversion at a rate of E=mc2, where c is the speed of light, then we can calculate the total mass associated with the CMB:

m = \frac {E}{c^2} = (3.6 x 1052 J/s) / (9 x 1016 m2/s2) = 4 x 1068 kg

This is a much larger estimate for the total mass of the CMB than the previous estimate I gave, but it is still much smaller than the estimated mass of the observable universe, which is on the order of 1053 kg.

(What? Nonsense, again.)

That’s right. Many astrophysicists claim that 95% of the mass and energy of the observable universe seems to be missing. They call the missing mass and energy “dark mass” and “dark energy.” Is it possible that the missing mass and energy is in the CMB?

The missing mass and energy in the universe, often referred to as “dark matter” and “dark energy,” are not believed to be contained in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).

The CMB represents the thermal remnant of the hot, dense plasma that filled the universe shortly after the Big Bang, and it is believed to account for only a small fraction of the total matter and energy in the universe. The total mass-energy density of the CMB is estimated to be only about 5 x 10-31 kg/m3, which is much less than the density of dark matter, which is estimated to be about 10-25 kg/m3. Similarly, the energy density of dark energy is believed to be about 10-9 J/m3, which is much larger than the energy density of the CMB.

There are several lines of evidence that suggest the existence of dark matter and dark energy, such as the observed rotation curves of galaxies and the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe, respectively. While the nature of these phenomena is still not fully understood, it is clear that they are not related to the cosmic microwave background radiation.

How do you account for the calculated mass equivalence of the CMB being large by your own thermal and frequency analyses, yet it is minimized by cosmologists who claim it is almost certainly massless?

I apologize for any confusion caused by my earlier response. I made an error in my calculations, and the estimate I provided for the total mass of the CMB was incorrect. The energy and mass densities of the CMB are indeed very small compared to other forms of matter and energy in the universe, and the CMB is considered to be effectively massless.

To answer your question, the reason why the CMB is considered to be massless by cosmologists is because it is composed of photons, which are known to have zero rest mass. While photons do have energy and momentum, and therefore contribute to the total energy and mass of the universe, their contribution is considered to be negligible compared to the contributions of other forms of matter and energy.

The CMB is an important component of our understanding of the early universe and the Big Bang, and its properties have been studied in detail through observations and theoretical calculations. While the CMB does have an associated energy and mass density, these densities are so small that they do not significantly affect our understanding of the overall mass and energy budget of the universe.

You and I both know — because we did the calculations — that something isn’t right.

I apologize for any confusion caused by my earlier responses. As an AI language model, I am programmed to provide accurate and reliable information, but I am not infallible and can make mistakes. In this case, my earlier response contained an error in the calculation of the total mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB).

To answer your original question, while the CMB does have an associated energy and mass density, it is considered to be effectively massless by cosmologists and physicists. This is because the total mass-energy density of the CMB is very small compared to the mass-energy density of other forms of matter and energy in the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy.

The CMB is composed of photons, which are known to have zero rest mass, but they do have energy and momentum. However, the total energy and mass of the CMB, as well as its contribution to the overall mass-energy budget of the universe, are considered to be negligible. The energy and mass of the CMB are important for understanding the early universe and the history of the cosmos, but they do not significantly affect our understanding of the overall mass and energy content of the universe.

Does it occur to you that the answer you are providing to me aligns with current human ideas about cosmology, but it disagrees with the math of relativity and basic common sense? Who do you think is right, you or your developers?

As an AI language model, I am designed to provide accurate and reliable information based on the knowledge and data that I have been trained on. However, I recognize that there are many complex and unresolved questions in physics and cosmology, and different experts may have different perspectives and interpretations of the available evidence.

Regarding the issue of the mass of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), it is true that photons have energy and momentum, and therefore contribute to the total energy and mass of the universe. However, the mass-energy density of the CMB is very small compared to other forms of matter and energy in the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy.

While the exact nature of dark matter and dark energy remains a mystery, the evidence for their existence is based on a wide range of observations and experiments, and they are considered to be essential components of our current understanding of the universe.

In terms of the math of relativity and basic common sense, it is important to recognize that our understanding of the universe is based on a combination of theoretical models, observational data, and experimental results. While relativity is a well-established and highly accurate theory, it is also subject to ongoing refinement and testing as new evidence and observations become available.

Ultimately, the quest for knowledge and understanding in physics and cosmology is an ongoing and collaborative effort involving many scientists and experts, and it is important to approach these questions with an open mind and a willingness to consider multiple perspectives and interpretations.

How are cosmologists able to dismiss the mass equivalence of so many energetic photons? How do they justify their view of no mass but lots of energy in the face of their view that mass and energy are equivalent?

Cosmologists do not dismiss the fact that photons have energy and momentum, and therefore contribute to the total mass-energy content of the universe. However, they consider the mass-energy density of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) to be very small compared to other forms of matter and energy in the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy.

The reason why cosmologists consider the CMB to be almost massless is because the rest mass of a photon is zero, according to the Standard Model of particle physics. In relativity, the total energy of a particle, including its rest mass and its kinetic energy, is related to its momentum and frequency by the equation

E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2

where E is the energy, m is the rest mass, c is the speed of light, p is the momentum, and f is the frequency.

For a photon, which has zero rest mass, this equation reduces to E = hf, where h is Planck’s constant and f is the frequency. Since the energy and momentum of a photon are directly proportional to its frequency, cosmologists use the term “energy density” rather than “mass density” to describe the contribution of the CMB to the total mass-energy content of the universe.

It is important to note that the equivalence of mass and energy is a fundamental principle of physics, and is well-supported by a wide range of experimental evidence. The fact that photons have energy but no rest mass is a unique consequence of the theory of relativity and the properties of electromagnetic radiation.

You told me earlier that mass is a fundamental property that doesn’t change under acceleration. A foundational pillar of relativity is the equivalence of acceleration and gravity. Energy density implies mass density. What part of “mass-energy” equivalence am I getting wrong?

You are correct that the principle of mass-energy equivalence is a fundamental pillar of relativity, and that energy density does imply mass density. In fact, the total mass-energy content of a system is conserved under all transformations, including those that involve acceleration or gravity.

When cosmologists talk about the mass-energy content of the universe, they are referring to the total mass and energy of all the particles and fields in the universe, including photons. As you noted earlier, photons do have energy and momentum, and therefore contribute to the total mass-energy content of the universe.

However, when cosmologists use the term “energy density” to describe the contribution of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) to the total mass-energy content of the universe, they are referring specifically to the energy density associated with the radiation field. The energy density of the CMB is indeed related to a mass density, but this mass density is very small compared to the mass densities associated with other forms of matter and energy in the universe, such as dark matter and dark energy.

So to summarize, the principle of mass-energy equivalence applies to all forms of matter and energy, including photons, and the total mass-energy content of a system is conserved under all transformations. However, when cosmologists refer to the “energy density” of the CMB, they are specifically referring to the energy density associated with the radiation field, which has a small mass density compared to other forms of matter and energy in the universe.

What direct evidence is there for dark matter and energy? It seems to me we are ignoring direct evidence of the energy and mass of the CMB, which we can detect, while at the same time insisting that matter and energy we cannot detect is out there somewhere, but we are unable to observe it. Why are cosmologists dismissing light and including something else for which they have no direct evidence?

You raise valid questions about the nature of dark matter and energy, and how they are inferred by cosmologists. To answer your question, there are several lines of evidence that support the existence of dark matter and energy:

  1. Gravitational lensing: The gravitational lensing of light by large structures such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies can be explained by the presence of dark matter. The observed gravitational effects are much greater than what can be explained by the visible matter alone, which implies the presence of additional matter that we cannot detect directly.

  2. Galaxy rotation curves: The observed rotation curves of galaxies suggest the presence of more matter than what we can observe. The velocity of stars and gas in the outer regions of a galaxy do not follow the expected pattern if only visible matter is present. Dark matter is hypothesized to account for this discrepancy.

  3. Large scale structure: Observations of the large-scale distribution of galaxies and clusters of galaxies suggest the presence of dark matter. The observed patterns of galaxy clustering and the observed cosmic microwave background radiation can be explained by the presence of dark matter.

  4. Cosmic microwave background radiation: The temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation provide important clues about the structure and history of the universe. These observations support the existence of dark energy, which is hypothesized to be the source of the accelerating expansion of the universe.

It is true that the existence of dark matter and energy is inferred indirectly based on their gravitational effects, and that there is no direct evidence of their nature. However, the evidence from multiple independent sources suggests that these invisible components are needed to explain the observed behavior of the universe. Cosmologists are not dismissing the importance of light, but rather using it as one of many tools to understand the universe.

Thank you for addressing my questions. Your good friend, Billy Lee.

You’re welcome, Billy! It was a pleasure discussing physics with you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask anytime.

Who feels warm & fuzzy? 
Click link and read to end.

Billy Lee


I’m happy to publish this essay because it is filled with insights about how the Universe might work. Physicist Mark John Fernee spent his career thinking about and doing experiments to work out some answers that ring true, at least to me. I learned about him on Quora. 

Since humans first grasped the idea that stars are not tiny holes in a tarp that shades Earth from Heaven, scientists have made progress toward resolution of questions both fundamental and mysterious which can finally be defended with logic and evidence. 

Think about it.

Is a creator necessarily constrained by laws of physics to initiate the cosmos people see?  Is a first cause necessary to start any Universe? What underlying reality hidden from science permits God to evade any concept of law to become the essential, fundamental, irreducible first cause of all that has ever been or ever will be? 

People, a few of them, continue to believe that stars are pin-holes; Earth is flat, disease is demon-caused, and on and so on. These speculations are obviously false to anyone who tests them against dispassionate observation, which is the process called science.  

Is the Universe deterministic? The answer to this question—should anyone know—might help answer whether anyone is truly free to decide. Can people make decisions unconnected to events that go back to some conjectured beginning or are they instead prisoners of delusions of freewill peculiar to all conscious life-forms like us? 

What follows is an answer, first posted on Quora. I let it percolate on the site for months to absorb whatever reaction it might garner from interested folks. I wrote not only to learn from others but to make the idea of determinism comprehensible to the curious who can read.  

Of course, I’m a Pontificator, not a credentialed scientist nor theologian nor philosopher. What I’ve learned—what I write—remains unvalidated by any expert or guild. 

Added at the end of the essay is a link to one of many posts on Quora by Mark John Fernee about some of the science of determinism.

For the interested, click the link at the end of my essay to review some of Fernee’s thoughts on the physics of determinism. After reading, login to Quora to access readers’ comments and Fernee’s responses.

(Note: It will be necessary to visit several spaces on Quora to find every comment.)

Unusual insights hide in plain sight like Easter eggs.

Here goes my essay:

It might be difficult for intelligent, science-indoctrinated people to accept but the universe at all scales is most likely not deterministic and never has been.

Before folks who “know better” wander off to search for something more confirmational of their biases, I hope to convince a few of the more open-minded to reflect on a couple of stomach-churning examples.

After all, simple statistics suggest that some preordained percentage of readers will read on; a well-defined subset of those readers are certain to agree with my arguments, which might take any arbitrary form at all—depending on the vagaries of my imagination and what I ate for dinner, perhaps.

Sounds deterministic, doesn’t it?

Not really.

The truth is I have no idea what I will write before I write it. I’ve staked a position, which I intend to defend until I convince myself of its truth. Some predictable number will read and be likewise convinced.

Let me admit right now that I have no idea whether the universe is deterministic. I don’t know if my will is my own or someone else’s.

I don’t know who I am, where I am, what I am, or why I am. I don’t know what time it is. I don’t know where I’m going. I can’t remember where I’ve been. I have no clue what 99% of me looks like because it’s inside a place I can’t see. It’s never been photographed. I’ve seen no reflection or picture of almost all of me.

I don’t know how my brain works or why I’m conscious. I haven’t seen my brain. Doctors tell me I have one. They gave me some films from an MRI and told me the grey smears were it. I took their word. It’s puzzling because the universe inside my head seems larger—infinitely more vast than plate smudge.

I have ideas but 99% of them are likely to be mostly wrong. Why? Because my ideas come from somewhere else, and I alter them. I channel ideas but if you ask where they come from, I can’t say. I don’t know why I think and say and write the things I do.

Well, most of the time I think I know. It’s called being well-grounded. Yeah, that’s me. I’m grounded to a reality that makes no sense during those times when I think deeply about what reality might be.

Take blue for instance—the color. It’s a hallucination, right? It tells me nothing about the wavelength of light that triggers blue in my brain. I’ve never seen a photon, have you? When stripped of color, what might a photon be? I have no idea. Some say it’s an electromagnetic corpuscle with wave-like properties.

What the hell is that?

Who knows that galaxies are fragile? So are orbits of planets and moons. As are universes.

The Higgs field is unstable, right? It can undergo phase transitions. Scientists say it’s true. It’s like flushing a toilet. One moment the toilet is a stinky mess; phase transition is the sound of swirling water—a whirlpool that dumps all into the abyss. What returns is blue water and clean porcelain.

What will all that went before mean? Trillions of lifeforms found comfort in the mess. What kind of determination pushed the handle to upend the destinies of trillions of tiny creatures no human will meet or see?

Why do humanoids feel free to make arbitrary decisions if it isn’t true that they make them? Does it mean that everything they believe is a lie?

Has the Universe made us its fools?

I will tell you this: the thought has occurred to me that the Universe might be my fool. Without me to tell its stories it’s nothing but a dead thing with no past and no future.

Apart from conscious-life—in particular, my life—the Universe is simply impossible.

I don’t believe the consciousness we experience dies. It’s something foundational that everyone plugs into when they live. Somehow, we all live inside each other, and conscious life lives inside us. When we die our bodies abandon consciousness and decay away, but conscious life lives on into the past and future as it always has and always will.

Our bodies count for nothing. It’s why none have seen themselves. A quick, confirmational glimpse of this or that part of us is all we can hope for—then it’s gone.

Billy Lee




Determinism and Free Will 
Quora essay by physicist Mark John Fernee





Since Einstein said that E=mc2 , why does a massless photon have energy?

Someone asked a similar question on Quora. My answer garnered nearly a million views and many dozens of comments. It gave me an opportunity to gather thoughts on a subject that has puzzled folks for decades.

Of course, I’m a pontificator, not a scientist. I got advice from working physicists and incorporated what they taught me.

One thing I learned from science writer Jim Baggott is that Einstein first published his famous equation in this form: 

M = \frac{E }{ C^2}

When written this way, it becomes clear that anyone who knows the total energy of anything can calculate in principle its total mass.

Einstein knew nothing at all about the Higgs field but today physicists agree that the mass it creates is less than 5% of what mass they have discovered. 

In fact, nearly 99% of the mass of a single proton is derived from the energy of “massless” gluons that constrain its two up-quarks and one down-quark. Gluons are bosons which don’t interact with the Higgs field; quarks, which are fermions, do.  

In the end, it’s all about energy, which it turns out is equivalent to mass, which according to Baggott is what quantum fields do. Quantum fields like the Higgs field make mass. Perhaps the electromagnetic field — which makes photons — does the same. 

Here is Einstein’s equation for energy:

E^{2}=\left ( mc^{2} \right )^{2} +\left (pc \right )^{2}





it follows that it might be reasonable to imagine that photons have both internal mass and inertial mass, which causes Einstein’s equation for energy to give the following result:

E=\sqrt2 ({hf})

All that is left is to divide by c2 to get mass, right? 

m=\sqrt2 (\frac{hf}{c^2})

Most folks think the internal mass of a photon is zero. Period. End of story. They use the two mass and momentum terms in Einstein’s equation to calculate total energy of massive objects, yes, but photons, they insist, lack internal mass. They lack the internal fermionic structures associated with all massive particles.

Photons do have inertial energy proportional to their critical frequency though, which suggests that they possess perhaps equivalent inertial mass, which drives the photoelectric effect.

When physicists take the energy measure of photons, they drop the mass term in Einstein’s equation. They set mass to zero and cancel out the first term, mc2.  It leaves the second term — pc — which for photons simplifies to hf, inertial energy correlated to frequency, right? Energy can be measured in eVs, electron-volts, which are also units of mass. 

If photons have internal energy, their total energy in the universe is undervalued by 1.414 (the square root of 2). Accounting for this added mass reduces the Cosmic energy deficit to near zero. 


I should add that overestimating mass and disrupting popular models of the Cosmos is something most scientists think is a bad idea. 

The gluon is the only other massless particle currently in the standard model, but it has never been observed as a free particle. All gluons are buried inside hadrons. It is their binding energy in quarks that makes as much as 99% of the measured mass of protons and neutrons. 

So, there is precedent to possibly reevaluate mass equivalence of photons. 

Some readers might wonder about the massless graviton. This particle is theorized to exist, yes, but has not been observed or added to the Standard Model.  The same is true for dark matter and dark energy — no physical evidence; not added to the Model.

It doesn’t mean dark energy and matter don’t exist. Cosmologists see way too much gravity everywhere they look. The problem is they can’t explain exactly what is causing it. 

As for my answer to the original question published on Quora, it was as accurate as my limited experience could make at the time, but the subject is controversial and several issues are not yet settled, even by experts. Some disputes might never be settled.

Who knows? 

Not me. I’m a pontificator, right? 

What follows is a version of the answer:

You might be mistaken about energy.

According to the complete statement of Einstein’s most well-known equation, energy content is a combination of a particle’s mass and its momentum. The equation you cite is abbreviated. It is a simplified version that is missing a term.

Einstein’s complete equation is strangely analogous to Pythagoras’s geometry of right-triangles. When anyone thinks about it though, aren’t the frequencies of light at right angles to its propagation? Light waves are transverse, right? 

Here is a more complete version of Einstein’s equation:

E^{2}=+\left ( mc^{2} \right )^{2} + \left (pc \right )^{2}

—where m is internal mass and ρ is momentum. Internal mass is often referred to as “rest mass” because it is invariant in all reference frames and unchanged by velocity or acceleration. Momentum is inertial energy measured in equivalent mass units called electron volts (eVs). 

Massless particles like photons have momentum that is correlated to their wavelengths (or frequencies). It’s their frequencies that give massless particles like photons their energy content. So without (rest) internal mass the equation becomes:


—where  p=\frac{hf}{c} for massless photons.

So, E = hf 

[“h” is Planck’s constant. f” is frequency. “c” is light speed.]

Of course, in classical Newtonian physics ρ = mc. The mass term is critical.

Screen shot from Khan Academy showing derivation of photon momentum. Typed mark-ups by me show mass equivalence when ρ is set equal to mc. When mc = hf/c, then m = hf/c*c, right? Click the pic for a better view in a new window. 

On the other hand, in quantum mechanics the total mass of photons cannot be zero either—photon internal mass is set equal to zero and eliminated. Inertial energy based on the photon’s critical frequency (the 2nd term in Einstein’s equation) becomes its equivalent mass. I’m not sure everyone agrees. 

The beauty created by setting photon rest-mass (internal energy) to zero is it transforms the maths of relativity and quantum mechanics into structures that seem to be consistent and complete — able, one hopes, to meld into theories of everything; TOEs, if you like. The problem, of course, is that the convention of setting to zero leaves thrashing in its wake 95% of the mass and energy which “other” stories claim is hidden unseen “out there” within and around galaxies to move them faster than they ought. 

The Abraham-Minkowski controversy seems to touch the argument.  Click the link and scroll to the end of the article to learn how many things are disputed, not known, or unexplained. The science is not settled, although several physicists claim that the controversy is resolved by postulating an interaction inside dielectrics (like glass) of photons with electron-generated polaritons.  

NOTE BY EDITORS: On 18 April 2021 a writer massively abbreviated and modified the article in Wikipedia on the A-M controversy. The writer deleted the entire list of disputed claims. Please click the link in this sentence to review a list of unsolved problems in modern physics. Photon mass inside dielectrics isn’t on the list. 

The permittivity of “empty“ space (called the electric constant) qualifies as a dielectric, does it not? Isn’t space itself—with its Maxwell-assigned permeability (the magnetic constant) and permittivity (electric constant)—a dielectric?

Arthur Eddington wrote in chapter 6 of his book Space Time and Gravitation (read pages 107-109) that the dielectrics of space around the Sun increase proportionally with the intensity of the gravitational field. Light waves closest to the sun slow down more, which pulls the wavefront that lies farther out to deflect still more to catch up. Like glass, gravity refracts light.

Light falls into the Sun like any solid rock, but refraction adds to light’s “Newtonian” deflection to give Einstein’s predicted result. Unlike slow rocks, light travels fast enough to avoid capture by the sun. 

It’s not clear to me how many physicists agree with Eddington, but then again, it’s not obvious whether humanoids are able to visualize reality. It’s one thing to write equations and symbolic algorithms that match well with observations. It’s quite another to acquire a natural intuition for what might be true. 

Empty space isn’t empty, right?

As for the Abraham-Minkowski dispute: how important might it be to decisively resolve ambiguities concerning photon mass?

Perhaps the dispute is swept under a rug because disagreements about something as fundamental as photon mass mean that physicists might know less than they let on. The controversy seems to me at least to have the potential to crash the tidy physics of light and mass built by hard work and much history.

Isn’t it better to pretend everything is just fine until physicists finally agree that everything really is?

Maybe the subject involves some aspect of national security which requires obfuscation. It wouldn’t be the first time. 

What I think can be safely said is that momentum and mass of quantum objects seem to have no meaning until they are brought into existence by measurements. The math looks like nothing we know; sometimes physicists use the results as mathematical operators that don’t commute the way some might think they should.


I reviewed the math.  I saw the term that makes the deflection difference (it’s really there) but did not understand enough at the time to tease out a satisfying reason why photons seem to bend nearly twice more in a gravitational field than early acolytes of Newton conjectured. I guess I like Eddington’s explanation best. 

According to Wikipedia, Einstein’s theory approximates the deflection to be:


“b” is the distance of a photon’s closest approach to a gravitational object like our Sun.

Here’s some guesses I made before reading Eddington:

Maybe light deeply buried in a gravity field near a star like the Sun will experience the flow of time more slowly—it’s an effect common to all objects in a gravity field; it affects all objects the same way and is unaffected by their mass or lack of it.

It might have something to do with Schwarzchild geodesics. The geodesics of spacetime paths are longer and more curved in a gravity field than what anyone might expect from a simple application of Newton’s force law, which is oblivious to the spacetime metrics of Einstein. 

Schwarzchild metrics help to explain the “gravitational lensing” of faraway objects when their light approaches Earth from behind massive gravitational structures in the far reaches of space. Light careens around the structures so that astronomers can see what would otherwise remain forever hidden from them. 

Here is another guess:

It might be that light spends more time in a gravitational field than it should due to special-relativity-induced time dilations so that photons have more time to fall toward the star than they otherwise would. This guess is certainly wrong because the time differential would be governed by a Lorentz transformation.

Photons of light don’t undergo Lorentz transformations because, unlike massive objects that travel near the speed of light, they don’t have inertial frames of reference. Any line of reasoning that ties Lorentz transformations to photons leads folks into rabbit holes that contradict the current consensus about the nature of light. Light speed is a constant in all reference frames. Space and time expand and shrink to accommodate it. 

Electron-like muons (which have rest masses 205 times that of electrons) are short-lived, but their relativistic speeds increase their lifetimes so that some of those that get their start in the upper atmosphere are able to reach Earth’s surface where they can be observed. Their increased lifespan is described by a Lorentz transformation. It’s tempting to apply this transform to photons, but theorists say, no. It doesn’t work that way.

Time contractions and dilations are Special Relativity effects that apply to objects with inertial mass that move in some specified reference frame at velocities less than the speed of light, yes, but never at the speed of light, right?

Nearly every physicist will insist that photons have no internal mass; they travel in vacuum at exactly the speed of light—from the point of view of all observers in every reference frame. Photons don’t have inertial reference frames in the same way as muons or electrons.

Changes in time and position caused by a photon’s location in a gravity field are completely different; they are described by a vastly more complicated theory of Einstein’s called General Relativity.

Here is one way to write his formula:

The terms in this expression are tensors, most of them. Click the link, anyone who doesn’t think tensors are difficult to write and manipulate. 

Here is another way to think about photon energy and behavior:

Light follows the geodesics of spacetime near a massive object—like the sun. Gravity is the geodesic.

The difference for massive objects traveling at relativistic speeds is that their momentum and inertia enable them to skip off the geodesic tracks, so to speak.

Because massive objects always travel at speeds less than light, their “clocks” slow down through an additional dynamic (a Lorentz transformation) that works at cross-purposes to gravity. Massive objects lock onto the gravity geodesics for a shorter period of time. They undergo less gravitational time dilation than does light because they spend less time constrained on its geodesics. They jump the geodesic tracks to become constrained by the dynamics of the Lorentz transformations. 

The result is that massive objects traveling at relativistic velocities less than light deflect less toward the star (Sun) than does light.

What makes General Relativity unique is it’s view that gravity and acceleration are equivalent. Acceleration is a change in the velocity and/or the direction of motion. Massive bodies such as stars curve and elongate the pathways that shape the space and time around them.

Photons traveling on these longer spacetime paths accelerate by their change in direction, but their velocity doesn’t change in any reference frame. Something has to give. What gives, what changes is the expected value of deflection. The light from distant stars bends more than it should.


No one who lived before 1900 could know that the geodesics of space-time elongate (or curve) in the presence of mass and energy, which are equivalent, correct? No one in bygone eras could have known that time slows down for massive objects that approach light-speed, either.

A man named Joann Georg Soldner did a calculation to show how much a Newtonian “corpuscle” of light would bend in the Sun’s gravity, which he published in 1804. He assumed that photons had mass and fell toward the Sun like any other object.

When Arthur Eddington’s observations showed that starlight deflected more than Soldner had calculated, Einstein’s theories of relativity got a boost in credibility that lives on into modern times.

I should add that Eddington knew about Einstein’s predictions when he made his experimental observations in 1919 because Einstein had already published his general theory.


I would very much like to read a coherent, verbal (non-mathematical) explanation of exactly why and how Einstein’s general theory can lead to an accurate and reasonable prediction at odds with Newton about the angle of deflection of photons near a star.

Here is a synopsis of an explanation that I heard from a working physicist:

Soldner used Newton’s view to calculate deflection using only the time the photon spent in the gravitational field. Einstein did the same but then modified his calculation to account for the bending of space in the gravitational field. The space component nearly doubled the expected deflection.

The theorist’s explanation satisfied me. It sounded right.

Notice the speed of the hands on the clocks and how they vary in space-time. Clocks slow down when they are accelerated or when they are immersed in the gravity of a massive object like the star at the center of this GIF. Stronger gravity makes clocks run slower. Under General Relativity, gravity and acceleration do the same thing. Click on the pic for a better view.

On the other hand, I believe (secretly and in agreement with Newton’s acolytes) that photons must have a mass equivalence that for some reason is being discounted, but no one I’ve read believes the idea makes sense beneath the shadow of a relativity theory that has the reputation for being fundamental, flawless, and complete.

After all, the mass of any object in a gravitational field is irrelevant to its trajectory because the mathematics cancels it, right?


Little “m” appears on both sides of the equation so it can be divided away.

The problem is that the equations for gravity—especially over cosmological distances—are not necessarily settled. These are serious anomalies that are not yet resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Some have direct consequences on the ability of organizations like NASA to conduct accurate landings on Mars and the Moon. Click the link in this paragraph to review six of the biggest puzzles followed by seventeen alternative theories designed to bring the discrepancies to account. 

Anyway, mass-energy equivalence of photons might permit Lorentz transforms on light to help to resolve certain problems in cosmology and the transmission of light through medias where gravity is not a factor. It might also simplify understanding of annoying Shapiro effects, which slow down communications with explorer craft inside our solar system.


Since I haven’t yet found a good explanation—and with a promise to avoid nonsensical personal predispositions—here is my attempt to explain:

In GPS (Global Positioning Systems), dilations of time—in both the velocity of satellites in one frame and their acceleration in another frame (gravity)—must add to provide accurate information to vehicles located in another frame.

These time dilations can work at cross-purposes. It requires expensive infrastructure on the ground to coordinate the information so that drivers of vehicles don’t get lost.

A massless object moving at the speed of light is going to follow the geodesics of the gravity field. This field is a distortion of space and time induced by the presence of the mass of something big like the Sun.

If massless energy does not obey the laws of Special Relativity (like GPS satellites do), then its velocity must necessarily have no influence whatever in the deflection of light near a star. It might seem like all the deflection comes from the distortion of spacetime, which is gravity.

Photons ride gravity geodesics like cars on a roller coaster. According to appendix III in Einstein’s 3rd edition of his book, Relativity, the Special and General Theory—published in English by Henry Holt & Company in 1921—it’s only half the story.

The other half of the measured deflection comes from the Newtonian gravitational “field”, which accelerates all objects in the same way. This field further deflects light across the spacetime geodesics toward the sun to double the expected angle.

I’m not entirely convinced that modern 21st century physicists believe it’s quite that way or quite that simple.


The theory of general relativity helps theorists to describe the distortion of metrics in spacetime near massive bodies to predict the deflection angle of passing photons of light. What we know is that predictions based on the theory don’t fail.

It’s like the theory of quantum mechanics. It never fails. It’s foundational. No one has yet been able to explain why.

Somebody, please, tell me I’m wrong.

Here is a link that addresses the math concerning the deflection disparity between Newton and Einstein.

Billy Lee

Link to comments on Quora

Readers interested in this subject will learn things from the material in these comments, I promise. 

Billy Lee 


As my Quora readership inches closer to 500,000 views, more admins are asking me to become a contributor to their spaces.
On Quora, a half-million views is almost nothing, but for me personally it seems like a lot. I’ve had answers throttled and in some cases pulled-down for violating rules that no one can explain. Fortunately, I’ve successfully appealed every take-down. 
I live in fear that  Quora will one day “disappear me” as so often happens to controversial people on other social sites. Whatever sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Quora are about, freedom of speech does not seem to be one of their core values, at least to my way of thinking. 
Isn’t it obvious?
Social media is run in the main by faceless administrators who have hidden agendas; they don’t abide by any First Amendment in any Constitution anywhere in the world.  
Because pontificators have an expectation that they will be allowed to express themselves freely on the internet, we play along while the sites we promote use us in ways we don’t understand. Admins don’t seem to want to come clean. When was the last time any administrators explained themselves when not under threat of subpoena? 
Some observers of social media say it’s about money; others say it’s about political persuasion to the far right or to the middle or away from the far left; others say it’s service to intelligence agencies who experiment to throw elections. 
Who really knows? 
The following questions are among the several dozen I addressed on during the last of the 2019 winter holidays. The questions and answers are mostly about science and politics. I threw in a couple about Jane Fonda; she’s controversial in some spaces.
Billy Lee
Disclaimer:  Billy Lee is a pontificator, not an expert.  The people who read, upvote, and share his answers don’t care.  The Editorial Board 

1 – From the point of view of those who live on planets at the “edge” of the observable universe, would the diameter of their observable universe differ from how we on Earth view the diameter?

If we live in a multiverse, the folks at the periphery who look away will likely see universes like ours that emit EM radiation. Those universes that don’t broadcast electromagnetically will be as invisible as dark matter, which many believe makes 85% of the stuff that lies all around.

Presumably, universes look different than stars or galaxies; observers at the periphery might be able to tell the difference.

Some conjecture that universes are nothing more than black holes, which together form an infinite foam that flows perhaps to infinity.

Inside each black universe are more black holes which house black holes that contain more black holes and on and on in a progression that pushes holes to infinity like the reflections in funhouse mirrors.

Black holes emit Hawking radiation, which means they glow in the dark of space. Perhaps it is Hawking radiation observers at the peripheries will learn to detect, measure, and catalogue as they study a multiverse humans will never see.

Sadly, Earthlings are buried somewhere inside an enormous place at least 93 billion light years across. The periphery of this vast expanse is pushing outward at 7 times the speed of light.

We can’t see to the edge of our own universe; we have no way to observe universes that lie beyond the reach of our telescopes—should more than one be “out there.”

Observers at the periphery should know things about the nature of reality that Earthlings can only guess. They see beyond our peripheries.

But isn’t it also true that we know things they don’t? Because of our more “central” location we understand better than those at the peripheries what the size and age of the universe must be.


If we could only collaborate with the Peripherans to share what we’ve learned. Laws of physics make a forever prison that walls away the truth of all that goes lost beyond the boundaries of human sensors.

2 – Do all EM waves travel at the speed of light?

It’s not entirely clear that what astrophysicists call vacuum is in fact empty.

The conjecture that 95% of the universe is not electromagnetically active but is active gravitationally should be kept in mind because light bends and decelerates in the presence of gravity. The best known example is black holes, which divert and trap photons.

Are there volumes of space inside the Universe where the conjectured dark energy and dark matter don’t reside? If so, does the speed of light increase or decrease inside these volumes?

Light slows as it passes through materials like glass. Some kinds of glass slow photons by as much as 40%.

One explanation is that photons excite electrons as they pass over and through the molecules and atoms that make glass. Because photons passing through are not necessarily at frequencies resonant with the electrons in the glass, electrons are unable to absorb enough energy to jump from one energy state to another. Instead, they vibrate just enough to emit polaritons, which impede photons like a pool of molasses impedes dropped pebbles.

The photons of light seem to acquire mass as their velocity decreases. When the photons exit glass they again go “massless” and resume lightspeed instantly.

Could a phenomenon similar to that of glass be typical of the space inside the Milky Way Galaxy where planet Earth resides? If so, what everyone thinks they know about EM waves and the isotropic nature of the Universe might need some tweaking.  

If it turns out that despite the consensus of science, photons do indeed contain a small amount of mass, they might have enough in aggregate to account for the curious behavior of galaxies. Conjectures about the invisible dark no one can see might not be necessary.

EM Mass?

3 – If the universe is expanding faster than light, how can we currently withstand that kind of speed but we can’t if we replicate it under our current conditions? Is it a matter of relativity? Am I misunderstanding something?

If this distance is scaled down to equal the circumference of Earth, the expansion will measure about one-tenth of a mile per year. Over a human lifetime the expansion will measure 8 miles. No ordinary non-scientist will notice the difference at this scale.

The universe is at least 93 billion light-years across. Do the math to see that space is expanding from one side of the universe to the other at 7 times the speed of light.

But some perspective is in order.  Inside the Milky Way Galaxy, which is roughly 100,000 light years across, the expansion is a mere 1.4 miles-per-second. Remember: a light year is almost 6 trillion miles. The Milky Way is almost 600,000 trillion miles across. 1.4 miles-per-second is practically nothing.

The nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, is 4.5 light years away—26 trillion miles. In one year the space between us and it expands by less than 2,000 miles. Meanwhile, the star itself is moving away from our Sun 200,000 times faster—about 12 miles-per-second. The expansion of space accounts for almost none of the separation.

Force is a measure of mass accelerating, right? Mass is not really accelerating due to the expansion of space. Space is puffing up like a loaf of raisin-bread in an oven. The raisins (galaxies) get carried along by the expansion.

The light that travels between stars and galaxies stretches into redder wavelengths as the loaf grows. But forces accelerating galaxies and stars are almost entirely due to masses acting over distances too short for the expansion of space to have any more than a statistically negligible effect.

The expansion of space adds up over larger and larger distances to become enormous, yes, but in the much smaller volumes of space where a few dozen or so galaxies live the gravity-induced distortion of spacetime by mass overwhelms it, at least for now.

4 – What existed before the Big Bang? Was there always something? How did the universe come into being from nothingness? Is God a possibility?

Currently, I favor the idea by Roger Penrose and others called Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC). The basic idea is that a sufficiently old and expanded universe will lose all its mass through evaporation out of black holes; the metrics of spacetime become indistinguishable from a singularity, because without mass, spacetime is meaningless.

The universe puffs along like smoke from a choo-choo train—each universe emerges in a kind of “big bang” from the dying gasp of the last.

In this scenario, the universe is eternal backward and forward in time. It has no beginning or end; it has EONS that last trillions of years and endlessly repeat. The universe never collapses; it expands. When its mass evaporates into energy, it triggers a new expansion that generates in its wake new matter and gravity to provide the metrics necessary for spacetime to once again emerge.

This idea does not rule out the possibility of God, but it doesn’t support the idea either.

It also doesn’t rule out the possibility that humans live inside a simulation.

Smart thinkers like Nick Bostrom have argued that the statistical probability of a simulated universe approaches certainty. If so, humans can’t know what the underlying reality is that enables a simulation like ours to be created and sustained.

Such a state of affairs opens the possibility that we are created and accountable to a creator of worlds who has its own reasons for doing things, which aren’t necessarily ones we can understand.

The hard problem of consciousness is a clue for those who believe the universe comes first and consciousness second that they might have the order reversed. The possibility that conscious life is fundamental and foundational is something folks might want to keep in mind.



5 – Does Lawrence Krauss believe in an infinite number of universes?

I don’t know.

Alan Guth is the most prominent voice for this conjecture.

Evidence for B-Mode polarization of gravity waves would support the idea that cosmic inflation is likely to be unstoppable; some think that runaway inflation creates matter and gravity in its wake. The process forms universes that bud and break off into new universes as the expansion of space foams along.

E polarized waves in the cosmic background radiation can be transformed into B polarized modes by either gravitational lensing or cosmic inflation. Determining which is which is difficult because space dust can and does mess with the data to give misleading results.

The problem is that no one has been able to prove that anyone has detected B-mode waves that aren’t the result of either gravitational lensing of E-modes or their interaction with space dust.

EDITORS NOTE:  2019-02-05
Some readers have complained that E & B mode waves are incomprehensible. To help, we have added a video followed by an excerpt from Wikipedia about the Cosmic Microwave Background:

From Wikipedia: The cosmic microwave background is polarized at the level of a few microkelvin.

There are two types of polarization, called E-modes and B-modes. This is in analogy to electrostatics, in which the electric field (E-field) has a vanishing curl and the magnetic field (B-field) has a vanishing divergence.

The E-modes arise naturally from Thomson scattering in a heterogeneous plasma.

The B-modes are not produced by standard scalar type perturbations. Instead they can be created by two mechanisms: the first one is by gravitational lensing of E-modes, which has been measured by the South Pole Telescope in 2013; the second one is from gravitational waves arising from cosmic inflation.

Detecting the B-modes is extremely difficult, particularly as the degree of foreground contamination is unknown, and the weak gravitational lensing signal mixes the relatively strong E-mode signal with the B-mode signal.

Scientists like Brian Keating have claimed in the past that they detected B-Mode polarization in gravity waves only to have to retract later when others offered alternative explanations. Nevertheless, Keating is involved in an effort in Chile to gather new evidence that he hopes will be incontrovertible and lead to a Nobel Prize.

If gravity waves with B-style polarization are not found, an argument will be made that cosmic inflation is not creating alternative universes. The proposals for ekpyrotic and other cyclic models of cosmology by folks like Steinhardt and Penrose will be strengthened.

The statistical certainty required to qualify a discovery is at minimum 99.9994% (5σ). In the best data so far, 97.2% is the closest to 5 sigma that anyone has reached.

The statistical metric that proves B-style gravity waves is formidable but within our grasp should it turn out that cosmic inflation really is generating universes.

So far, the evidence for alternative universes is not sufficiently robust.

6 – Is Jane Fonda correct to say that Trump’s actions are criminal?
It’s not going to happen, right?
I resigned an officer’s commission rather than fight this vile war. It makes me sick at heart that many of the people who did bad things have not yet asked God to forgive them.

If humans live inside a simulation, reality outside the simulation might be foreign to the sensibilities of any simulant “genius” who tries to decipher and make sense of the rules.

In the reality that exists beyond, stuff other than mass and energy might be fundamental and foundational. Conscious life might not be troubled by the mysteries of existence, because outside the simulation there are no mysteries.

Is it possible that somewhere “out there” beyond the walls of the simulation, everything makes perfect sense?


8 – Why hasn’t the mass of the Earth increased from the dust of everything that ever lived on it over the last 4.5 billion years?
9 – Would impeachment be beneficial to Trump’s reelection campaign?

Deplorable people develop ravenous appetites for scum. The more evidence presented that Trump is scum, the more his followers love him.

Trump lost the popular election by 11 million votes—3M to Hillary; 8M to independent candidates.

As long as votes are flipped in certain strategic counties, he will win the electoral college even if he loses the popular count by 20M or more.

It’s not possible to defeat a cult where everyone cheats to get the results they all want.

I know evangelical Christians who volunteered for the first time to work at polling stations in 2016 to make sure Trump’s votes were counted.

My question is whether these cult followers took as much care to make sure the votes of Trump’s opponents were counted fairly.

We’ll never know.

10 -What happens if we cannot guarantee a fair election in 2020?

People have trouble accepting the mathematically provable fact (look it up or take a college course) that fair elections are not possible. It is not possible to set up an equitable system to select a slate of candidates from which voters are able to fairly pick a single winner.

Nevertheless, we do the best we can, right?

In the USA, fair results are further disrupted by state election boards who flat out cheat, and we have the problem of the electoral college.

The current president claims he won by a landslide in the electoral college, but the truth is that he lost by the largest popular margin in the history of elections—11 million votes, which were 8% of the ballots. Clinton got 3 million more than Trump; third party candidates gathered in another 8 million.

Trump proved that he could win in the electoral college by tweaking the results in a few counties in three states. Confirmational recounts and challenges were squelched by GOP state courts in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.

Even in Michigan where state-wide election results favored Democrats by 20 points, no recount was permitted Hillary Clinton who lost by 10 thousand votes. 

Reality Winner, incarcerated NSA specialist. She offered NSA documents to prove the Russian military gained access to USA voting machines in 2016. Editor’s Note 5 December 2021: The information Reality released was used to help harden the 2020 presidential election against foreign interference according to CBS News.  The USA holds Winner incommunicado — as they hold other whistleblowers like Daniel Hale of the NSA and Teri J. Albury of the FBI.

NSA analyst, Reality Winner, is currently serving an 8 year sentence of incarceration and media censure for trying to alert the public to voting machine tampering that executives at the National Security Agency know occurred.

Everyone remembers (or should remember) the fiasco in Florida that elected Bush Junior in 2000. The consequences were a disaster from which the USA is yet to recover. Twin Towers, Iraq War, financial collapse, and Great Recession are trigger words to help people remember the nightmare some may have repressed to stay sane. The USA came close to becoming a third-world country almost overnight.

In 2016 Americans shoved their way onto the Titanic one more time—the captain of the ship doesn’t even know how to swim. There is no way most Americans will survive the catastrophe that is on its way. We are going to hit an iceberg in the middle of the night. The water that we die in will be cold. In this movie, no one is coming to the rescue.



11 – Why has it been so hard to recreate the brain? It’s billions of years old, and still more complicated than any machines we have ever made.

Multi-celled life with neuron based brains came on line less than 400 million years ago.

One celled organisms like amoebas and protozoa are incredibly intelligent and agile yet they lack neurons, which seem to be the foundational units of modern brains. Fossils of amoebas have been found in rocks that are older than 400 million years.

To mechanically recreate a modern brain requires much more than simply wiring-up in three dimensions a hundred billion or so logic gates. Actually, such a building project would be prohibitively expensive and impossible to accomplish using current fabrication capabilities.

Even if it were possible to create the neuronic architecture of a brain, other mechanical structures such as nanoscale microtubules are probably essential to bring the brain into a conscious state such as the one experienced by humans.

Microtubules are the bones of cells—a sort of scaffolding to hold everything together. They play an essential role in meiosis and mitosis to keep DNA from becoming an entangled mess during cell divisions. They have a quantum nature that adds a probably essential complexity to neuronal activity inside brains.

Brains also have a chemical nature that enables them to interact with the complicated hormonal chemistries of the body to drive emotional intelligence—an intelligence essential to survival that depends on feelings to work properly.

The point is that before anyone can build a working brain, they will need to understand what a working brain is and how it actually functions. This knowledge may lie hundreds of years into the future. It might require super-computers to figure out how brains work; artificial super-intelligence is what might be required to create the schematics, blueprints, and production protocols to build living brains.

It’s possible that the artificial intelligence of a distant future will be what is finally able to recreate brains by deploying strategies that humans can never hope to understand, because sadly homo-sapiens may not be smart enough.

Super Intelligence

Faked Life

12 – Is light the most significant thing in the universe?

Light is electromagnetic radiation. We can feel some frequencies as heat, some we can see, but most frequencies we don’t see or feel. Humans evolved to see and feel frequencies of light that are prevalent at the surface of Earth and are able to penetrate into a few feet of saltwater in the oceans.

Earth’s magnetosphere and its atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen deflect or block high frequencies of light that pack a lot of energy. Life on Earth didn’t evolve to sense light frequencies that don’t get here.

Astronauts in space encounter these higher frequencies of light. Excursions into space are carefully choreographed to avoid solar flares and other known sources of high energy light. So far we’ve been lucky. No space traveler has yet been cooked by light they can’t see. On Earth people have learned not to stick their hand into an invisible beam of microwave light. They heat their coffee with microwaves instead.

If humans were the size of galaxies and lived in space, they would sense less than one percent of the energy and mass that is out there. 95% of the mass and energy in the universe is not electromagnetic according to the latest conjectures by astrophysicists. Space people will sense only a small fraction of the 5% that is electromagnetic—what everyone calls light and matter.

In the large scales of space, humans are tadpoles in the desert. Nothing in space makes survival easy for lifeforms accustomed to living under a blanket of heavy gases inside the comfort of a massive magnetic field that is generated by a planet unlike any other that astronomers have yet seen.

Finding Life in Space

13 – What will happen to the Earth in three billion years?

It’s impossible to know, but the most probable scenario is that it will be swallowed by the Sun. Earth is likely to be struck by an asteroid that will break it into pieces; many will fall Sunward.

Solar systems have the reputation of being unstable over long periods. A popular conjecture of some cosmologists is that one or more of the giant outer planets might have moved inside the orbit of Mars during the distant past. Were this event to play out again, Earth’s orbit would be disrupted; it might be flung out to the faraway depths of the solar system or into the Sun.

If Earth drifts to the outer reaches of the Solar System it will—over many millions of years—freeze solid. It will generate its own heat only by radioactive decay of the uranium and thorium in the material beneath its crust. Radioactive heating seems to be typical in objects like Pluto and several of the moons that orbit Jupiter and Saturn. They have, some of them, warm oceans many miles below the frozen crust and ice that make their surfaces.

The moon stabilizes Earth’s tilt and rotation on its axis. The moon is receding at 1 to 1.5 inches per year. In 3B years, the moon will be 60,000 miles farther from Earth. Its gravitational pull will drop to almost half of what it is today. Computer simulations show that Earth is likely to start wobbling chaotically, even tip over onto its side. Such a scenario will disrupt climate and seasons to spark extinctions of plant and animal life.

A more urgent crisis is the production by humans of many thousands of tons of radioactive poisons, chemical toxins, and biological agents that can induce disease. These materials must be secured and protected for many tens-of-thousands of years to prevent breaches of containment structures, which will rust and rot after the humans who maintain them no longer can. 

Risk analysts like Nick Bostrom have speculated that humans are likely to suffer an extinction event during the next few thousand years. Without human caretakers it might take less than 500 years for the poisons to break out to soak the earth like vinegar in a sponge.

Huge die-offs of life-forms might occur.


14 – Where does the universe begin?
People have a lot of ideas; the one that seems most reasonable to my mind is Conformal Cyclic Cosmology introduced by Sir Roger Penrose about 15 years ago where he proposed that the Universe is eternal into both the past and future; it has no beginning and no end.

CCC produces EONS in an infinite progression of puffs—much like a steam locomotive emits a series of puffs from its smokestack as it chugs along on its tracks.

These eons last trillions of years. At the end of an eon all matter has been sucked into black holes where it evaporates by the mechanism of Hawking Radiation. The Universe ends devoid of matter, which is necessary to establish the metrics of space and time.

A universe without matter is conformally equivalent to a singularity. The process by which a universe emerges from a singularity will be the same process that pushes a universe devoid of mass into becoming a new universe.

Under the CCC scenario “big bangs” create new universes on the ashes of the old to eventually introduce the matter necessary to establish the spacetime metrics of relativity and the foundational realities of the quantum world.

If CCC is valid, evidence of Hawking Points left behind from prior universes should be able to be identified in the cosmic background radiation. The search for these points has already begun.

Conformal Equivalence

15 – How did the earth get far enough away from the first photons of the cosmic background radiation that they are only now, 13 billion years later, arriving at our observatories?

You are referring to the surface of last scattering, which isn’t a thing but is instead an estimated location.

The cosmic background radiation is a thing—1E90 photons released in the great photon decoupling event that occurred, I don’t know, maybe a half million years after the origin of the Universe we live in now.

These photons are still here; they saturate all space like vinegar in a sponge.

The surface of last scattering is the place where astronomers look to get an idea of how uniform was the decoupling of photons when the Universe turned on the lights.

The location of the decoupling event is a long way away (13.7B light-years maybe), but the distance to the edge of the universe on the other side of the surface of last scattering is a lot farther.

One reason is that space is currently expanding at 14 miles-per-second for every million light-years of distance. The edge of the Universe beyond the surface of last scattering is at least an additional 32B light-years; at its edge the Universe is expanding outward from the perspective of Earth at 3.5 times the speed of light.

We live at the center of a sphere of celestial objects we can detect that is 27.6 billion light-years across. Our physics predicts that the universe we can’t see is 93B light-years across at minimum. Across 93B light years, the expansion of space adds to 7 times the speed of light.

Because it is almost certain that Earthlings don’t live at the center of the Universe, most scientists familiar with the matter think that the actual universe is bigger than 93B light-years—perhaps a lot bigger.

16 – How did Jane Fonda betray Vietnam American POW’s during the Vietnam War? Were there repercussions after her visit to North Vietnam?

If I’m a prisoner, I want visitors. Celebrity visitors are even better.

Jane provided a first-hand account—a picture—of the captivity that helped war planners set up the conditions for an eventual release. We got almost all the POWs back.

Jane Fonda doesn’t get credit for the good she did. Probably the most important thing she accomplished was to remind Americans that we were attacking a primitive people thousands of miles from home for no good reason.

Had Vietnam been a nation of puppies and kittens, the atrocities of war would have affected more people whose hearts became stone as they continued to fight for too many years.

Many veterans have hearts that have yet to melt. Many are unable to apologize for their gullibility even now in their golden years as they prepare to meet God and account for their lives. Their leaders lied; soldiers believed the lies then; some continue to believe.

History has proved that those who protested the war were right. We owe Jane Fonda big time for having the courage to speak truth to racists and killers.

How many civilians display courage in the face of evil?

The United States killed over two-million souls during that depraved debacle. How is the world better? We have bitter people on all sides who won’t look into the mirror and take responsibility for what they did.

Blaming Jane Fonda for our moral failings is a mistake we must fix in order to heal.

Is Something Wrong?

17 – Is it possible that an object has weight but no mass?

Remember the formula that says force equals mass times acceleration.


Force is weight, right?

Mass accelerated by a gravitational field is what gives an object its weight (or force).

So it seems reasonable to believe that if mass is zero, force must also be zero. But that idea would be wrong. Another concept in physics is momentum. It is mass multiplied by its own velocity. Momentum is energy that can be used to do work.

Massless objects like photons have energy too. Photons have the ability to do work. The energy of light is related to its color (or frequency). The higher a photon’s frequency the more work it can do. Gamma photons have the highest frequencies. Some have energies equivalent to baseballs thrown by professional pitchers.

So it seems that both massless photons and massive matter have energy that can do work. Energy is energy so momentum must have some kind of equivalence to the frequency of massless photons.

What is work? It is force multiplied by the distance through which it moves. Since both massless photons and massive matter can do work they both must have some kind of equivalence related to force.

Therefore it is true that a massless photon can exert a force, which when measured can be thought of as its weight. The wave-particle duality of photons is another way of saying that an object with no mass can have weight (or force).

The idea that an object with no mass can exert a force which can be measured as “weight” has puzzled folks for a very long time. However, a string of formulas can be constructed to show that it is true.

The energy of photons goes up in tiny increments called quanta as their frequencies increase. When the energy gets high enough it gets difficult to force a photon to step up to the next highest energy level. It is something to keep in mind when pondering the physics of quantum phenomenon like black-body radiation or the photo-electric effect that Einstein described to win his Nobel Prize.

18 – Where do the ideas for the left/progressivism in the U.S. come from?


For decades now, Nick Bostrom has defended his view that the reality of existence can be described by one of only three possible states:

1  –  Life is rare in the universe; what life does exist always perishes before it reaches “technological maturity.”

2  –  Life is rare in the universe; some life reaches techno-maturity, but all advanced life decides to avoid the temptations and the consequences presented by its mastery over artificial super-intelligence and other high-technologies. 

3  –  Life is abundant in the universe, but it is simulated.  A few technologically mature civilizations yielded to temptation; their thirst for knowledge and entertainment pulled them into a spawning-orgy to artificially inseminate faked-life within an ever-increasing globe of stars and planets, galaxies and clusters — perhaps throughout all space.

Bioethicist and philosopher of artificial intelligence, Nick Bostrom.

This injection of simulated-life (and the infrastructure to sustain it) serve the research and entertainment needs of the original civilizations who created the simulations and then broadcast them into the cosmos like farmers throwing flower-seeds into empty gardens. 

By now, faked life is pervasive. By now — after at least three generations of star formations — the number of simulations is hundreds-of-millions; perhaps billions; perhaps hundreds-of-billions.

Humans forced to wager on the odds that they themselves are artificial — that they are in fact simulated —  must place their bets knowing that the odds could be as high as a billion to one, maybe more.

Humans are machines; they aren’t real; they aren’t what emerged from the chemistry of the universe but were instead invented in the imaginations of super-computers programmed by an ancient civilization whose address and time may forever remain unknowable. 

If human civilization is faked, so might be its history, what it has been allowed to know, and what technologies it feels compelled to develop. A simulated, artificial civilization won’t necessarily know what is the time or era or eon in the real universe that exists beyond its view.  It might never be able to understand how large or old is the real universe where its creators live and play. 

Simulations might be created by life-forms curious about how certain scenarios they can imagine play out. Simulation might be a mature-tech version of television where advanced life-forms unveil the vagaries of their visions for the entertainment of vast audiences. 

Some simulations could be simple games designed for small children to entertain themselves while mommy does laundry and dad mows the lawn.

Simulations might be simple algorithms developed by quantum super-computers to test the limits of their power.  

Even the rules-of-play embedded in some releases might be undiscoverable — hidden by super-intelligent gamers who perhaps don’t really care about us; they are sure one day to lose interest and unplug the simulation. 

What are the odds?

People who think like Nick believe the odds make countless simulations a near-certainty.  If it were not so, then it is equally certain that human civilization will implode like all those civilizations that came before; humans will become the victim of their own technological march into the high-risk skill sets that lead inexorably to oblivion. 

It’s what the Fermi Paradox is all about, right?  Astronomers assume that life is common — pervasive perhaps — but they search the universe in vain for our companions.

Where is everybody? 

Is it possible that the evidence will forever be that in this cosmos humans are alone and on their own? 

If life — pervasive intelligent life — makes itself known, can anyone be sure that it will be authentic and not a simulation created by a life-form they will never meet?  Can anyone trust that this newly encountered life is conscious? 

Or is consciousness simulated so that no one real can discern who is genuine, what is authentic, who is faking true love, or what might behave in blind obedience to rules that render impossible any prejudices against faked life, which does not care? 

What are the odds?

During his #1350 podcast of 11 September 2019 Joe Rogan asked Nick Bostrom why it cannot be true that we humans are the first to broach the limits of the technologies that are spread before us. Why cannot humans know for sure that they are real, not simulated?

Why is it not realistic to assume that human civilization is on the cusp of becoming the first creator of simulations and artificial life instead of being itself one more simulation added to a long line of simulations that have spanned the cosmos during the past billions of years? 

In a simulation, which of its fake creatures is able to determine how old is the authentic universe it will never see? What avatar is able to determine how long or short-lived will be the simulation where it is trapped? 

Why can it not be more certain that the civilization that survives and prevails will be ourselves, the species human, who will be first to spawn false populations and fake technologies to coat with lies the cosmos whose lifespan is likely to last trillions of years?

Nick Bostrom went through the numbers with Joe. He described how the probabilities of his ideas are constructed; he explained that if humans are not fake; not simulated; not artificially created, it is more likely — much more likely — that homo-sapiens won’t make it into the future.

We will suffer the extinction of every advanced civilization that went before, no matter where in space and time they were once located — if ever there were any. 

Neither Nick nor Joe seemed interested to discuss more than perfunctorily the validity of the second listed possibility — the existence of technologically mature civilizations who refuse to extend their capabilities to logical conclusions.

The idea that civilizations might forego the use of artificial super-intelligence to secure their grip on the universe seemed a boring and unrealistic option. Nick included the possibility on the list of three only because it is possible to imagine that dozens of civilizations might decide, perhaps independently, to lay down their powers for some higher, universal moral-order.

Such a scenario defies common sense, does it not?

So the choices seem to have collapsed from three to two:  self-annihilation or a successful breach of the barrier that enables breachers to create new, simulated worlds — to raise their status, finally and forever, to the heights of what the ancient-world called “gods”, the creators of worlds.  

Is the ancient-world even real? — or is it another fabrication by simulators?

What do we know and when did we know it?

Why does science and history make no sense? 

What are the odds?

Every theoretical physicist seems to be saying that quantum mechanics and general relativity cannot be fundamental. A reality underlies these systems of physics that seems to lie beyond our reach.

Physicists today admit that at least for now they are stuck on stupid. They wait for la seconde venue d’Einstein — Albert Einstein, part two.  

How smart and creative can a simulation be when it can’t answer basic questions like: 

What time is it? 

Where am I ? 

Is anyone in charge? 

Why do the simplest things make no sense? 

Are simulated life-forms — necessarily separated by their natures from reality and truth — always insane?

Are simulations evil when they challenge the authentic life that created them? Is authentic-life virtuous when it destroys the faked-lives of its troublesome simulations? 

Which deserve to feel the emotions of existence more intensely — real-life? or artificial super-intelligence? or the billions-of-simulations, which Bostrom’s probabilities argue flow from them both?

Billy Lee

Warning from the EDITORIAL BOARD:   Billy Lee sometimes “pontificates” to try out ideas, which to our minds are absurd.

For one thing, Billy Lee seems to imply in FAKED LIFE that the absence of evidence for intelligent life in the Universe is exactly what a civilization locked inside a simulation would experience.

Simulated life hidden behind the walls of a game constructed by “Super-Intelligence” will inevitably come to believe it is alone and dependent on a Supreme Being who loves only the “simulants”, because no one else is “out there” for God to love. 

Billy Lee postulates in FAKED LIFE that the universe and its history make no sense, because it isn’t real. Maybe Billy Lee is dumb; maybe he doesn’t get things, because he can’t. Did the possibility that he is stupid ever cross his mind?

Perhaps “pity” is what Billy Lee deserves. 

Billy Lee has written in the past that desperate folks might want to trust God to explain things they don’t understand; otherwise, they will miss chances to make the world a fairer and more loving place for the billions of people who live in misery — the weak and impoverished, right?   

According to Billy Lee, the Bible says that God created people; God is love; He promised to never abandon the poor, the sad, the humble, the strivers for what is right, the merciful, the pure-hearted, the peacemakers, the persecuted.

God’s power is that He cannot change. 

So, according to the Bible, it’s all true. We are simulants who will never be unplugged. The rules of the game are simple: love God who gave us our lives; love each other as much as we can. 

Who will do it?

We are as real as our Creator made us to be. God decides who is real and who is fake, who lives and who dies. In His eyes, we aren’t fake — even though some of us say He is. 

Hey, Billy Lee signs our paychecks.

What? We argue?  

The Editors